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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Someone Tell Trump: We Aren’t Going Back

It’s been almost 10 years since I opened a package mailed to me care of a long-ago radio station. “Thank you for your voice. We found this in my father’s house after he died. He’d removed it from a restaurant many years ago. Don’t forget about us.” Inside was a sign. “No Dogs. No Natives.” There were plenty of signs hung around Alaska to remind everyone who was at the top of the genetic food chain. It’s shameful. “No Indians.” “We cater to white trade only.” and “Meals at all hours — All white help.” There are still many wounds…

Don’t Give In To Outrage Fatigue

I’m suffering from outrage fatigue. Between gun-toting mass murderers, hurricanes, wildfires, health care sabotage, shameless racism, and the serial rape and harassment of young women, I feel sick at heart. And I’m not sure what to do about it. I guess there’s no choice but to muster up a little more outrage. If you love this country, and I do, what other choice is there? You may remember our former half-governor, once she mounted the national soapbox, screeching about the “lamestream media.” Why? She didn’t know much, but she knew she didn’t like many of the stories about her and…

Time for a Well Regulated Gun Lobby

In Alaska, many of us need guns to fill our freezers, but if you need a 30-round clip I’d say you’re a pretty poor hunter. If you are hoarding automatic (yes, they are legal) or semi-automatic weapons, you need Viagra. Oh, that’s right, it’s about the “well-regulated militia.” The Second Amendment was written by men who had fought alongside men who didn’t survive their revolt against tyranny. They had the assistance of the French government. They used muskets. If you think it is your right or duty to overthrow the government at this point in time, you’re going to need…

Mission Accomplished: War on Energy Over

Not since Moses, Aaron and Miriam fought the Egyptians for freedom of the Israelites have we found such a beautiful redemption story. Yes, the emancipation of slaves after a bloody civil war came close, but this is so much more inspiring. Our prayers and vigils for the gravely oppressed oil companies in Alaska have at last been answered. I guess tying all those black ribbons in the old spruce trees really helped. Like Moses coming down from Mount Sinai, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke came to Alaska and is going to make this state great for oil companies again….

EPA, Pebble and The West Wing

I’m sorry to report that watching box sets of “The West Wing” isn’t enough distraction from our real politics. I am tired. I can confirm a fresh batch of baby sea otters, riding on their mama’s bellies, blown in by the latest storm can provide some relief. Their cuteness is enough to make anyone ovulate – I don’t care who you are. Their squeaks and mewing are impossible to ignore. I learned about something called “embryonic diapause.” It’s really fascinating and a little science-y. See, lady sea otters can get pregnant and put a pause on implanting the embryos for…

Calling the Mosquito Fleet

My darling Alaskans, I am starting to feel like these columns I write are more like letters to the people and place I love. It is blowing sideways on the bay today and the snow, defying gravity and all rules, seems to be traveling upward while accumulating on the ground at the same time. My ermine friend is shrew hunting — which is my favorite thing about him — and has learned to do a trick or two for cheese bits. I’m watching with one eye the mushers vie for position in the Yukon Quest and with the other, the…

Around the Lens Podcast: Trump’s Photographer

Panelists: Brian Munoz (, Trent Stevens ( News: Best photos from Inauguration Day ( What were the best photos from inauguration day. We give our thoughts. Topic: Will Trump have a Photographer (…) Time reports that Trump has not yet hired a photographer. Will Trump end 40 years of precedent and not have one? Gear: Fuji Announces GFX 50s (…) Fuji is getting set to release a medium format camera that fits in a DSLR sized body. Does this camera intrigue us?

Climate Change Tweets Deleted from National Park Twitter Account

A couple hours ago the Badlands National Park Service twitter account began tweeting facts on climate change, something that has been officially banned the Trump administration. The tweets were trending on facebook and were retweeting tens of thousands of times. As of now no statement has come from the administration or the National Park Service. Here’s the now deleted tweets from the Badlands National park service twitter account.

Join TheMudflats for a Facebook live broadcast of my film on How Trump Stole It

I have a simple request. I’m asking that, this Thursday, at 8pm, you join the NAACP-National Voter Fund, Rainbow/PUSH, Josh Fox  of Climate Revolution and many, many more––and “share” the Facebook LIVE broadcast of my documentary––the film that exposes exactly how Trump and his cronies attacked the voting rights of a million minority voters to steal the White House. That’s all we are asking: Between 8pm and 9pm Eastern, on Inauguration Eve, you “share” the live-stream with your Facebook followers. The film, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: A Tale of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, follows my crew’s undercover investigations…

Sen. Murkowski, Stand True To Your Word

Many of us are counting the days down for America to be great again. I still haven’t heard an answer to the question of when it stopped being great, but being great sounds, well, great! So let’s do it. First things first. We have got to get rid of that health care disaster that has enslaved millions of Americans by creating access to a doctor. Enough! Because of Obamacare, college-age kids have been rafted up to their parents’ policies like parasites. Those pre-existing conditions — the warning flags to companies that don’t want your sick behind dragging down their profits…