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Friday, January 28, 2022

Alaska’s Voter Rolls Are America’s Latest Data Leak

In a statement released by TargetSmart, it said that the portion of their database that comprises Alaska’s voter rolls were exposed: We’ve learned that Equals3, an AI software company based in Minnesota, appears to have failed to secure some of their data and some data they license from TargetSmart, and that a database of approximately 593,000 Alaska voters appears to have been inadvertently exposed, but not accessed by anyone other than the security researchers on our team and the team that identified the exposure. None of the exposed TargetSmart data included any personally-identifiable non-public financial data. And to be clear,…

Make Alaska Great Again

Maybe you were too busy this week trying to stay warm to follow the news much. There have been some new developments. I know. They almost got past me, you know with keeping the snow shoveled out of the outhouse and enough water melted to do a few dishes. I’m trying hard to keep up. A major oil discovery was announced this week! Wahoo! “Initial technical estimates indicate the discovery could have recoverable resource potential in excess of 300 million barrels of oil,” ConocoPhillips said. That’s awesome for all of Alaska, right? I mean, jobs, jobs, jobs and we can…

Join TheMudflats for a Facebook live broadcast of my film on How Trump Stole It

I have a simple request. I’m asking that, this Thursday, at 8pm, you join the NAACP-National Voter Fund, Rainbow/PUSH, Josh Fox  of Climate Revolution and many, many more––and “share” the Facebook LIVE broadcast of my documentary––the film that exposes exactly how Trump and his cronies attacked the voting rights of a million minority voters to steal the White House. That’s all we are asking: Between 8pm and 9pm Eastern, on Inauguration Eve, you “share” the live-stream with your Facebook followers. The film, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: A Tale of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, follows my crew’s undercover investigations…

The Republican Sabotage of the Vote Recounts in Michigan and Wisconsin

By Greg Palast for Truthout Photo of Michigan ballot with bubble. (Image courtesy of Palast Investigative Fund, 2016)Before the Electoral College votes, they should know this. Michigan officials declared in late November that Trump won the state’s count by 10,704 votes. But hold on – a record 75,355 ballots were not counted. The uncounted ballots came mostly from Detroit and Flint, majority-Black cities that vote Democratic. According to the machines that read their ballots, these voters waited in line, sometimes for hours, yet did not choose a president. Really? This week, I drove through a snowstorm to Lansing to hear…

Palast Report for Democracy Now!: By Rejecting Recount, Is Michigan Covering up 75,000 Ballots Never Counted?

Officially, Donald Trump won Michigan by 10,704 votes. But a record 75,335 votes were never counted. Most of these votes that went missing were in Detroit and Flint. How do you disappear 75,335 votes? I flew to Michigan to investigate.   Support the 2016 Stolen Election Investigation After investigating the REAL story of the recount, we stopped by the Department of Justice yesterday and handed them our Crosscheck petition, signed by 50,000 people. We have a lot more work to do and thankfully, our efforts are starting to get notice. We’re not done… Join us bySupporting the Stolen Election Investigation…

Thanksgiving Goes into Overtime

I’m hoping your Thanksgiving was peaceful. I know there was a lot of anxiety about it and how the holiday season is going to go. If there was a “Thanksgiving Bingo” game I would have won after hearing the term “vaginal overreach” in a conversation. We had a lot on our plates to talk about, as well as plenty of food. I’ve been trying to figure out where the Venn diagram overlaps are between our divided camps, and concentrate on them. Our similarities aren’t always obvious. Truth be told, the idea of the president-elect succeeding in his agenda could really…

MSNBC: Greg Palast on the Recount

In Michigan and North Carolina the wipe-out of Black, Hispanic and young voters was massive – especially under Crosscheck. Watch my latest segment on MSNBC’s AM Joy, this Saturday morning on how the election was rigged – long before the vote even happened.

Jill Stein Calls for a Recount – Does Democrats Job

by Greg Palast Jill Stein just called to say that I am the first one to be informed that the Green Party is formally petitioning for a recount in 3 states, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Trump’s margin is less than 11,600 in Michigan, 27,200 in Wisconsin and 68,000 in Pennsylvania. Support the 2016 Stolen Election Investigation If just a few thousand votes are found in Wisconsin and Michigan, Hillary Clinton becomes president by 276 electoral votes verses 264 for Trump. Stein told me “We’re filing in Wisconsin Friday because the votes were cast on proven hack-prone machines. This has been a hack-ridden…

Sesame Street’s Maria Reads To You About Voting

Maria, aka Sonia Manzano reads the Dr. Seuss One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote at the North Carolina Democratic Party Headquarters in Raleigh. She was in Raleigh to support Hillary Clinton and to lead off a day door knocking. A couple of the kids that were in attendance were dressed in their Halloween costumes – Jacob aka Captain America makes an adorable appearance in the video a couple of times. Watch and enjoy. Maria from Sesame Street Reads to Kids at NC Democratic Party HQ from Zach Roberts on Vimeo.  

Photos: Trump Lands in Kinston, North Carolina

Donald Trump landed his plane in Hurricane Matthew slammed Kinston, North Carolina Wednesday night to a crowd of enthusiastic supporters that numbered in the thousands. It was a smaller audience than i was used to seeing at Trump rallies but still a surprising crowd for a 7pm rally in a town that just a week ago had been evacuated. Trump gave his stump speech of calling for Secretary Clinton to be jailed but didn’t tell the crowd that the election would be rigged.