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Friday, January 28, 2022

Thanksgiving Goes into Overtime

I’m hoping your Thanksgiving was peaceful. I know there was a lot of anxiety about it and how the holiday season is going to go. If there was a “Thanksgiving Bingo” game I would have won after hearing the term “vaginal overreach” in a conversation. We had a lot on our plates to talk about, as well as plenty of food. I’ve been trying to figure out where the Venn diagram overlaps are between our divided camps, and concentrate on them. Our similarities aren’t always obvious. Truth be told, the idea of the president-elect succeeding in his agenda could really…

Photos: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

For the first time in my weird career as a photojournalist I covered the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. My photographer friends and colleagues all sighed and said that they were thankful that they didn’t have to do it. They were weirded out a bit more when I said I had volunteered for the gig. So when I woke up at 7am (realistically a bit too late) I jumped on the subway uptown with a bit of apprehension and exhaustion, I had been covering a protest until about 10pm the night before. After talking my way into the gated off parade…

Open Thread: Celebrating Thanksgiving at Alice’s Restaurant

I’m not really sure how this became a family tradition of mine but it’s one of the few that at 34 I still stick to, listening to Alice’s Restaurant. The famous song by Arlo Guthrie has meant a lot to me – even was able to sing it with a Bishop and some Priests in a NYC holding cell a couple years ago. That’s a long story, that you can read . Over the years I’ve mentioned what I thought was a weird family tradition to many friends – and almost all of them told me that they too had…

Open Thread: Alice’s Restaurant

It’s a Thanksgiving tradition in my family to dust off the Alice’s Restaurant record and give it a listen. Please enjoy this extended version of Arlo Guthire’s awesome song and have a great Thanksgiving.

Ask A Slave: Thanksgiving Edition

In the latest episode of the awesome and awkward (can I laugh at this?) funny web series Ask A Slave the ‘plucky Lizzie Mae’ takes on questions about Thanksgiving. But this time she’s got a guest – Red Jacket. He’s a Native American, Seneca leader Otetiani Sagoyewatha, who seems somewhat confused by the questions that the good white people that come to visit the show ask him. Rightfully so. [Red Jacket, by the way, was an actual person.] The greatest moment in my opinion is when he drops the name that his people have bestowed upon our founding father and the owner of…

Thanksgiving Flashback: Witnessing The Turkey Pardoning Debacle of 2008

by Linda Kellen Biegel So my rolls are rising on the stove, almost ready to pop in the oven. The apple-cranberry pies (think Dutch Apple with cranberries thrown in) are cooled and waiting to be packed up and the homemade cranberry sauce is chilling in the fridge. We’re going to Josh’s brother’s house for Thanksgiving and Josh’s parents made the trecherous drive in the rain and ice from the Kenai Peninsula. Thanksgiving dinner for 22–that’s small for a Biegel meal! When I saw an ad for the Triple-D Farm and Hatchery in Wasilla the other day, I had two thoughts:…