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Friday, January 28, 2022

Ask A Slave: Thanksgiving Edition

In the latest episode of the awesome and awkward (can I laugh at this?) funny web series Ask A Slave the ‘plucky Lizzie Mae’ takes on questions about Thanksgiving. But this time she’s got a guest – Red Jacket. He’s a Native American, Seneca leader Otetiani Sagoyewatha, who seems somewhat confused by the questions that the good white people that come to visit the show ask him. Rightfully so. [Red Jacket, by the way, was an actual person.]

The greatest moment in my opinion is when he drops the name that his people have bestowed upon our founding father and the owner of Lizzie Mae, President George Washington. Watch, and learn.

hat tip to – recommend reading their story on this video for more background.

Director: Jordan Black
Writer: Azie Mira Dungey
Director of Photography: Nic Michaels
Editor: Nic Michaels
Sound: Johnny Shryock
Animator: Jamie Noguchi
Production Manager: Pamela J Peters
Production Assistant: Rachel Bieber

Lizzie Mae: Azie Mira Dungey
Red Jacket: James Ruel (Ojibwe)

Featuring (in order of appearance):
Tom Fonss
Drew Talbert
Corinne Dekker
Courtney Pauroso
Helen Highfield
Derya Derman & Adam Laupus
Wenzel Jones
Sara Swain

Special Thanks to Terry Jones (@CornSoupMan)



13 Responses to “Ask A Slave: Thanksgiving Edition”
  1. Alaska Liberal says:

    More truth than poetry!

  2. mike from iowa says:

    Mag o My Heart. I’m purty sure you are listening in on occasion so have a Happy Thanksgiving May any wish you make on the wishbone come true. Or else just sit around and watch football like me. 🙂 Whatever you do,I know you’ll do it in your own unique style.

    • mag the mick says:

      Thanks, sweetheart. I spent Thanksgiving out in a remote cabin on the eastern side of the Chiracahuas, bird watching and reading R. L. Stevenson’s “Kidnapped” by light of an oil lamp. That’s what I call a good time! The road in meanders along the Mexican border, then sort of flows back and forth between Arizona and New Mexico. No visible borders there, so you’re driving through land is empty but full of history. Cochise and Geronimo fought for it, Pancho Villa’s Northern Army rode through it, and Coyote is still there, playing his tricks. All that emptiness made me grateful for the fact I’m perfectly comfortable being in it.

      Hope you saw some good ball games, Mikey!

  3. Arianna (@AriannaEditrix) says:

    I’d heard about her doing this (BRAVA!!!) and I’m glad she is tweaking all the American tropes now!

  4. juneaudream says:

    This thanks for this ‘viewing’..and to..the ..many..Directions..that lead..the humble, and the thinking ones. Thank you..Peace.

  5. bubbles says:

    hilarious! yeah Jeanne you can laugh. if I didn’t laugh out loud everyday I would be on death row.
    that being said have a marvelous meal with your loved ones and give thanks I am not there eating you out of house and home and slurping down all the booze.
    May all Mudpups everywhere be safe, warm, full-bellied and happy.
    sending you all love and big hugs….love Bubbles

    • mike from iowa says:

      Right back at you,dear Bubbles. Hope you spend time with loved ones or watching football like me. 🙂

    • beth. says:

      {{Miss you, Bubbles!


      A whole lotta MUCH! beth.}}

      • mike from iowa says:

        Didja git any snow fer Thanksgivig,my friend? If so,canyoo skee? If you answer yes or no,please go on to have a Happy Thanksgiving on your not quite a mountain with family and friends. 🙂

  6. Alaska Pi says:

    Thanks Zach. 🙂

  7. mike from iowa says:

    Maybe I missed the point,but this is funnier than all rwnj eolled into one. :)………and much likely more accurate.

  8. Zyxomma says:

    I’d heard about this, but never seen it.

  9. Mo says:

    Thanks, Zach. I had no idea this series existed, guess I need to start hanging out in the Gawker bar again.