Posted by Greg Palast on January 17, 2017 · Leave a Comment
I have a simple request. I’m asking that, this Thursday, at 8pm, you join the NAACP-National Voter Fund, Rainbow/PUSH, Josh Fox of Climate Revolution and many, many more––and “share” the Facebook LIVE broadcast of my documentary––the film that exposes exactly how Trump and his cronies attacked the voting rights of a million minority voters to steal the White House. That’s all we are asking: Between 8pm and 9pm Eastern, on Inauguration Eve, you “share” the live-stream with your Facebook followers. The film, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: A Tale of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, follows my crew’s undercover investigations…
Posted by Carl Johnson on January 8, 2016 · 2 Comments
Every once in a while over the last month or so, I have been seeing worrisome queries on aurora interest pages on Facebook. It all started with a classic click-bait headline, “2016 Is Your Last Chance to See the Northern Lights Before They Vanish.” How accurate is this? Is this true? These are some of the questions that introduce the post to others. The very easy, accurate and simple answer is, “Absolutely not. It’s complete hogwash.” Of course, once you click on the article, you get a rather perfunctory explanation of the solar cycle, and how the sun’s activity peaks…
Category Alaska, Headlines · Tags Arctic, aurora, Aurora Borealis, click bait, double-peak, Facebook, kansas, northern lights, Photography, scientists, solar cycle
Posted by Zach Roberts on November 17, 2015 · 18 Comments
Even though state and local officials have no actual power over preventing or allowing refugees to be placed in their state – nearly all of them have decided to weigh in on the issue. The 10,000 or so refugees that were originally planned on being brought to the US for temporary placement would go through “13 separate security screenings – at the international, federal and state level – before they are considered for resettlement,” but that doesn’t seem to be enough for some members of the Alaskan delegation. While not a single one of the terrorists that attacked Paris last…
Category Alaska, Alaska Legislature, Alaska Politicos, Headlines · Tags Bill Walker, comments, congressman, Dan Sullivan, Don Young, Facebook, governor, immigrants, Lisa Murkowski, refugees, senator, Syria, terrorists
Posted by Zach Roberts on November 4, 2014 · 3 Comments
Have you voted yet? I voted!!! Have you…??? — LeVar Burton (@levarburton) November 4, 2014 Your country needs YOU (to vote) — Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) November 4, 2014 If you haven’t voted yet, Gov. Jay Nixon wants you to get crackin’ — Wonkette (@Wonkette) November 4, 2014 Not so subtle “Carpetbagger” message in the NH senate race. cc @NowWithAlex — Alex Wagner (@alexwagner) November 4, 2014 Amazing RT @rebleber: PHOTOBOMB — Patrick Caldwell (@patcaldwell) November 4, 2014 i gotta dedicate my life to wendy davis now RT @bomani_jones: #welcometo2014 — Shea Serrano (@SheaSerrano)…
Category Elections, Headlines · Tags election, Facebook, get out the vote, GOTV, i voted, instagram, levar burton, patrack stewart, social media, Twitter, Voting
Posted by Zach Roberts on September 8, 2014 · 3 Comments
Man, I miss Keith Olbermann. I know I say this often but it’s moments like this, that one really remembers the old days of MSNBC. Keith would go on a uninterrupted 5 minute rant on something that Bush or Cheney did and it would be glorious. We’d all talk about it on MySpace or on ‘the facebook,’ and then there’d be the inevitable online and print backlash from ‘respectable’ journalists who didn’t like his firebrand ways. Well most of those journalists are out of a job now or working for some think tank figuring out a way to drag us into…
Category Elections, Environment, Headlines · Tags bush, cheney, Facebook, football, journalists, Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, myspace, Olbermann, politics, sports
Posted by Zach Roberts on November 11, 2013 · 35 Comments
[This is a followup to a previous story, which you can read here.] The Mudflats has dug up some interesting tidbits about the group of 2nd Amendment proponents that have been protesting outside the Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense meetings in Texas. The problem that the Mom’s had wasn’t necessarily the protest, but that the group was openly carrying rifles – something they saw as an intimidation tactic. The group, now identified as the Tarrant County Texas chapter of national group called “Come And Take It” by the Moms Demand Action, has an interesting leader. The leader of the…
Category Headlines, Nation, Teabaggery, Uncategorized · Tags 2nd amendment, congress, Facebook, gun lobby, gun rights, guns, Joe Barton, kory watkins, liberty, moms demand action, NRA, tarrant, Tea Party, texans, texas
Posted by Sebastian Reuter on October 2, 2013 · 8 Comments
Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Rep. Don Young are both in an odd position during the government shutdown – both oppose ‘ObamaCare,’ but not enough for the crazies in their party. Nothing outside of strapping c4 to your body with a dead mans trigger is enough for them. But at the same time, they’re staying the Republican course and not speaking out against the extremists with whom they share their representative bodies, and trying to figure out how to shift the blame to the other party. It’s not working well for them, and their social media pages are showing it. I’ve had…
Category Don Young, Headlines, Lisa Murkowski, Uncategorized · Tags Alaska, Anchorage, Begich, Don Young, Facebook, healthcare, Juneau, Obamacare, Obamacare Alaska, shutdown, social media, Twitter, washington dc
Posted by Sebastian Reuter on September 24, 2013 · 1 Comment
So do we need a Federal Overreach Summit on Facebook? I’m sure that Gov. Parnell and his crew will be weighing in on their own social media sites soon. But until then – what do you think Alaskans should we listen to the President and actually protect our citizens who happen to be gay from workplace discrimination. (That’s more of a rhetorical question…) Weigh in over at the mudflats facebook – but you can check out the comments here. The comments so far have been relatively calm and not tea-party-ish but I’m sure that Arizona ‘resident’ Sarah Palin will be…
Category Alaska, Alaska Politicos, Headlines, Uncategorized · Tags Facebook, freakout, gay, gay marriage, LGBT, Mudflats, Obama, rights, social media, Tea Party, workplace rights
Posted by Sebastian Reuter on July 13, 2013 · 35 Comments
UPDATE: The video below has been circulating on twitter and facebook as African Americans rioting in Miami. IT IS NOT. It’s ironically riots of white people rioting in Vancouver, over the sport hockey. [via The Inquisitor] People outside the courtroom are chanting, “The system failed us – No Justice No Peace!” MSNBC reported there was silence in the courtroom. The NAACP is calling for Civil Rights charges to be brought against Zimmerman. “A jury in Sanford, Florida has found George Zimmerman not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin. “I know I am not alone in my outrage, anger, and heartbreak…
Category Headlines, Uncategorized · Tags Facebook, george zimmerman, miami riots, MSNBC, NAACP, not guilty, outrage, riots, Stand Your Ground, Trayvon Martin, trial, Twitter, verdict, zimmerman
Posted by Zach Roberts on March 29, 2013 · 1 Comment
As a person who’s worked on branding and social media in the non-profit sector I’ve always admired the Human Rights Campaign. Their branding, use of social media is at a level that most corporations can’t match. In a country where it seems there’s a 100 groups for every cause the HRC stands out and has become the go to organization on GLBT rights. So this past week when the HRC logo went viral I was wondering to myself – how did they decide on something as elegant and straightforward as the equal sign. Well I’m guessing they’ve been asked that…
Category LGBT, Uncategorized · Tags branding, DOMA, equal rights, equal sign, Facebook, gay rights, HRC, human rights campaign, LGBT, logo, SCOTUS, Supreme court