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Friday, January 28, 2022

TX Armed Group Indentified & Running for Congress

[This is a followup to a previous story, which you can read here.] The Mudflats has dug up some interesting tidbits about the group of 2nd Amendment proponents that have been protesting outside the Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense meetings in Texas. The problem that the Mom’s had wasn’t necessarily the protest, but that the group was openly carrying rifles – something they saw as an intimidation tactic. The group, now identified as the Tarrant County Texas chapter of national group called “Come And Take It” by the Moms Demand Action, has an interesting leader. The leader of the…

If Ignorance is Bliss, Texas Rep. Joe Barton is One Happy Dude

This one is just mind-blowing. Joe Barton (the one who apologized to BP’s Tony Haward for the White House’s “shakedown”) actually asks Energy Secretery Dr. Steven Chu where all that oil in Alaska came from. Barton implies that because oil exists under the Arctic Ocean, then it must have been warmer there once.  Yessirree, the representative from Texas’ 6th district sure done schooled that Nobel Prize winner about “climate change.” If you’re thinking to yourself, “I would have laughed out loud if he’d asked me that question,” you’re not alone. Chu actually did laugh. We can give Mr. Barton one…