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March 27, 2025


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Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Parkland kids inspire a veteran to march

Originally published in Nation of Change The march for our lives brought over 800,000 people out to the streets of our nations capitol… hundreds of thousands more across the country as well. Like the Women’s March in January of 2017 or the March for Science later a couple months later – the March for our lives brought a new contingent of people out to the streets. I’ve known Bill Fulton for a little over a year now personally. But the first time I met him I was in Alaska working for an Alaskan political blog called That was the…

Photos: The NRA Takes Nashville

Three days in the center of gun country celebrating the Second Amendment – we saw big rifles, small handguns, Presidential candidates and so much more. Here’s a selection of photos from myself and Jeanne Devon of our time at the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting – this year in Nashville, Tennessee.      

Joe Miller & 20 Million Mexicans

I’m sure you saw this last week in the ADN, or you might have even seen it in your mailbox. Joe Miller claiming that Mark Begich wants these tattooed Central American ‘gang’ members to not only become citizens… but also vote. “And if 20 Million illegals vote, you can kiss the 2nd Amendment goodbye. I am the only candidate who favors Voter ID.” -Joe Miller Let’s break this down, Joe. First, according to the US government and the Pew Hispanic Trust numbers, there are 11.7 million immigrants living illegally in the country. So I’m not sure where the 20 million…

Krazy Kampaign Lit Alert!

  Joe Miller is running for U.S. Senate again. And in Alaska, it’s a 3-way scramble to the right to woo the hard-core conservative primary voter. Miller, Mead Treadwell, and Dan Sullivan have all been trying to outdo each other in their attempt to unseat incumbent Democratic Senator Mark Begich. Above is Miller’s latest piece of campaign literature, mailed to voters. Xenophobic fear mongering and downright silliness aside, (and that’s a BIG aside) let’s follow the message, shall we?  You may need a pith helmet, and a machete to get through the jungle of “logic.” Warning: there’s a cliff at…

A Marine, NRA Call Out TX Gun Fetishists

Last year we broke what would become a national story – calling out the gun fetishists of Texas who were stalking/ ‘protesting’ Mom Demand Action meetings. This took the form of showing up with guns outside of chain restaurants and hanging out in the parking lot. Here’s the photo that made the news. While this photo is just them posing for a photo outside of the the mall it still showcased their insanity. Showing up with high powered rifles with banana clips at a family restaurant does not necessarily win fans. 8 months later their group has once again made…

NOT Made in Alaska – DC Dan Buys from New Zealand

Earlier this week Jeanne Devon documented the hilariously unfortunate copy and paste job of Dan Sullivan’s website. “Carpetbagging Republican Senate candidate Dan Sullivan (OH->DC->AK) is running against incumbent Senator Mark Begich (D-AK) this fall. When serious and professional candidates run for office, they usually hire someone to develop a website for their candidacy.” The Mudflats has now uncovered some new issues on his site. This time they’re not just from out of state, they’re from the other side of the planet. New Zealand, in fact. Most Alaskan politicos have their own stock of photography from their years in Alaska –…

TX Armed Group Indentified & Running for Congress

[This is a followup to a previous story, which you can read here.] The Mudflats has dug up some interesting tidbits about the group of 2nd Amendment proponents that have been protesting outside the Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense meetings in Texas. The problem that the Mom’s had wasn’t necessarily the protest, but that the group was openly carrying rifles – something they saw as an intimidation tactic. The group, now identified as the Tarrant County Texas chapter of national group called “Come And Take It” by the Moms Demand Action, has an interesting leader. The leader of the…

Moms Group in “Armed Ambush”

I wish I was making up this headline. But this is really happening in America, right now. Earlier today outside a Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense meeting in Arlington, Texas a local gun group showed up with assault weapons and American flags. Here’s the statement of what happened from the Texas chapter: “Members of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America gathered for a membership meeting today at Blue Mesa Grill restaurant. We were confronted soon after by gun advocates who disagree with our goal of changing America’s gun laws and policies to protect our children and families. Gun…

Gun Bill Condones Arrest of Federal Agents

Mike Chenault, the mouth-breathing bully who also happens to be the Republican Speaker of the House in Juneau, has an awesome idea. As the country enters into a conversation about gun control, Chenault puts forward House Bill 69: House Speaker Mike Chenault says federal law enforcement officers should be arrested in Alaska if they attempt to enforce any future federal law banning personal possession of assault rifles or large ammunition clips or if they attempt to register any Alaska firearm. Yes. Really. “Tragedy is not a license for federal encroachment of constitutionally protected freedoms,” said Chenault. But don’t think this…