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February 12, 2025


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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska – ‘Nextdoor’ app aims to connect neighbors in Anchorage It started as a quest to protect a reindeer. About two years ago, somebody tried to break into Albert Whitehead’s home on 10th Avenue, near downtown Anchorage. They also tried to break into the pen of Whitehead’s well-known pet reindeer, Star. – Special Investigator Planned To Look Into National Guard Allegation Attorney General Craig Richards is in the process of hiring a special investigator to look into the handling of sexual assault complaints within the Alaska National Guard. Grace Jang, a spokeswoman for Gov. Bill Walker, said Richards is…

Joe Miller & 20 Million Mexicans

I’m sure you saw this last week in the ADN, or you might have even seen it in your mailbox. Joe Miller claiming that Mark Begich wants these tattooed Central American ‘gang’ members to not only become citizens… but also vote. “And if 20 Million illegals vote, you can kiss the 2nd Amendment goodbye. I am the only candidate who favors Voter ID.” -Joe Miller Let’s break this down, Joe. First, according to the US government and the Pew Hispanic Trust numbers, there are 11.7 million immigrants living illegally in the country. So I’m not sure where the 20 million…

Border Watch: 13 Hours on the Rio Grande

It’s 110 degrees out here and it’s only 10 a.m. Marcus and I will be here for a total of 13 hours. At 10am, it’s hour 4. Supposedly, this is where many people have been crossing the Rio Grande en masse. The photos we’ve seen from this spot by the very excellent Daily News shooter Marcus Santos show rafts coming across the river. We need this shot, as it will pretty much justify this whole trip to Texas. The rafts in the photos go right up to the American shore, with the Border Patrol waiting. From there, they are quickly processed and sent to…