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Friday, January 28, 2022

It’s Time for Rep. Cathy Munoz to Resign – Your Letters Show Your True Self

Originally published in I’ve been following politics for a long time. Right out of the gate I was convinced most elected officials were geniuses for figuring out how to screw over the lowest rung on the ladder for their own benefit. That was before the FBI raided and charged 10 percent of our Legislature with taking bribes. I still think the feds missed a few. Still, after having sat through those trials, I became a believer in Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.” I keep wondering about that rule while following a…

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska ADN – Rep. Don Young reveals his choice for president Rep. Don Young shared some frank thoughts about the Democratic presidential candidates — and Donald Trump — and revealed his presidential pick in an interview on “The Dave Stieren Show” this week. USA Today – Reports: Alaska Air close to deal to buy Virgin America Alaska Airlines is close to a deal to buy San Francisco-based Virgin America, according to multiple reports out Saturday. Juneau Empire – Pot initiative backer cites concern with Alaska smoking bill Public smoking restrictions that recently passed the Alaska Senate could hurt proposed cannabis cafes in…

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska – ‘Nextdoor’ app aims to connect neighbors in Anchorage It started as a quest to protect a reindeer. About two years ago, somebody tried to break into Albert Whitehead’s home on 10th Avenue, near downtown Anchorage. They also tried to break into the pen of Whitehead’s well-known pet reindeer, Star. – Special Investigator Planned To Look Into National Guard Allegation Attorney General Craig Richards is in the process of hiring a special investigator to look into the handling of sexual assault complaints within the Alaska National Guard. Grace Jang, a spokeswoman for Gov. Bill Walker, said Richards is…

Parnell, Miller Fear Children… From Central America

Alaskan Governor Sean Parnell and US Senate Candidate Joe Miller are worried. Is it about the melting ice caps? No. Is it about the sexual assaults in the Alaska National Guard? No. (Clearly Sean’s not worried about that.) Is it about the Pebble Mine? Hell No. It’s about the children, but not just any children. ILLEGAL children coming to Alaska. Here’s a photo example of one of them. Parnell’s social media team posted this to his official page Saturday. “I have seen some alarming reports that the Obama administration is giving illegal aliens one-way tickets to Alaska. We are making contact with…