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Friday, January 28, 2022

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska ADN.COM – With more Alaska women incarcerated than ever, some moved to men’s jail The number of women incarcerated in Alaska is at an all-time high, with the sole women’s prison in the state overcrowded enough that the Department of Corrections is now housing female inmates at Anchorage’s jail for men. – Seven bills and resolutions so far head to Juneau from Interior Interior lawmakers had their names on seven of the 63 bills or resolutions pre-filed in the run up to the start of the 29th Alaska Legislature. Many of the Interior delegation bills included retreads of legislation or…

Alaskans – Time to Vote!

It’s time to get out and vote, Alaska. Get your voice heard and make sure your ballot gets counted. I highly recommend that you vote early – so that if there is ANYTHING at all wrong – you have time to get it fixed. Please click on the link below for your absentee in person and early voting locations and hours. If anyone is having any voting issues or irregularities, let us know.

Parnell, Miller Fear Children… From Central America

Alaskan Governor Sean Parnell and US Senate Candidate Joe Miller are worried. Is it about the melting ice caps? No. Is it about the sexual assaults in the Alaska National Guard? No. (Clearly Sean’s not worried about that.) Is it about the Pebble Mine? Hell No. It’s about the children, but not just any children. ILLEGAL children coming to Alaska. Here’s a photo example of one of them. Parnell’s social media team posted this to his official page Saturday. “I have seen some alarming reports that the Obama administration is giving illegal aliens one-way tickets to Alaska. We are making contact with…

Sen. Kelly Gets His Way – Pregnancy Tests in Bars

Yes, Alaska Senator Pete Kelly is getting his way. As the Anchorage Daily News reported back in March, Pete Kelly of Fairbanks wanted to distribute pregnancy tests in bar bathrooms. In case you forgot watch the video below for a reminder – The pregnancy test questions start at about 1 min into the video. Q. The idea is to make pregnancy tests available for free?  A. You grab one. Literally, you can go into the bathroom at the bar and test. So if you’re drinking, you’re out at the big birthday celebration and you’re like, ‘Gee, I wonder if I …?’…

“Russia with Love”: Alaska Gas Scandal is Out-of-Country, Not Out-of-State

“Russia with Love”: Alaska Gas Scandal is Out-of-Country, Not Out-of-State (via Desmogblog) Fri, 2014-04-18 10:28Steve Horn A legal controversy — critics would say scandal — has erupted in Alaska’s statehouse over the future of its natural gas bounty. It’s not so much an issue of the gas itself, but who gets to decide how it gets to…

Exxon Spill – 25 Years of Tears

Time has a strange affect on events in our lives. I feel I’m looking through a glass of water when I look back 25 years to this day, March 24, 1989. I’d left Seattle University and the Ballard Lochs on the M/V Westward heading north through the Inside Passage of British Columbia for the sac roe herring fishery in Sitka. No time in my life is etched as clearly as that spring. There is a certain magic about following Spring to Alaska. Per my not so scientific study, I’ve determined Spring moves at about 9 nautical miles an hour, about…

Bieber-gate Breaks The News

If you were watching any of the major news networks this is probably what you saw – reporters cutting away from news to a breaking news story in Miami. MSNBC was talking to a Congresswoman about the NSA, RT was showing a live feed of the protests in Ukraine, Foxnews… well they’re news coverage probably improved. But that’s beside the point. The ‘BREAKING NEWS’ story was that a 19 year old Canadian pop heart-throb was arrested for drag racing his quarter million dollar sports car while intoxicated through the streets of Miami. Yes. The ‘Bieb’ (Justin Bieber)  was arrested and…

Governor’s Picnic (PHOTOS)

It was a gorgeous day in Anchorage – a perfect day for the Governor’s Picnic.  

I Agree with Sean Parnell, well… kinda.

It looks like our dear Governor’s social media director has taken the night off and let the Captain Zero himself take a swing at 140 characters. Jeanne and I hit upon this on while subbing for Shannyn Moore Monday Night (listen to the podcast). After a 3 day hiatus on twitter Parnell slammed out three tweets in one day. Woah slow down there bucko – you might break the internet. But ok – let’s look at what he said. The first – I actually agree with (I know, I almost fell out of my chair too)… We need a public…

Greg Palast asks, ‘How Do You Steal a Dream?’

How Do You Steal a Dream? Supreme Court hears suit to kill Voting Rights Act For By Greg Palast, author, “Billionaires and Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps” Video Produced by The Mudflats’ own, Zach D Roberts. Sign the petition to Defend Martin Luther King’s Dream Act – here. Read Shannyn Moore’s piece on how Alaska plays into all this – at the Anchorage Daily News Jim Crow is alive and well — and he has mounted a new attack on the law Martin Luther King dreamed of: the Voting Rights Act. February 27, the…