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The Weekend Off – News You Missed



ADN.COM – With more Alaska women incarcerated than ever, some moved to men’s jail

The number of women incarcerated in Alaska is at an all-time high, with the sole women’s prison in the state overcrowded enough that the Department of Corrections is now housing female inmates at Anchorage’s jail for men. – Seven bills and resolutions so far head to Juneau from Interior

Interior lawmakers had their names on seven of the 63 bills or resolutions pre-filed in the run up to the start of the 29th Alaska Legislature.
Many of the Interior delegation bills included retreads of legislation or policy goals that came up short in recent years, including a copy of a bill that was vetoed by former Gov. Sean Parnell. – Gov. doesn’t support capitol move

Sen.-elect Bill Stoltze, R-Chugiak, went public Wednesday with plans to file legislation to relocate the Legislature to Anchorage, as first reported by KTUU’s Austin Baird.

But Gov. Bill Walker said in an email to the Juneau Empire, sent by his spokeswoman Grace Jang, that he would most likely not sign a bill to move the capitol.


Reuters – U.S. prosecutors recommend criminal charges against Petraeus – N.Y. Times

The FBI and Justice Department prosecutors have recommended bringing criminal charges against former CIA chief David Petraeus for improperly providing classified information to a female Army Reserve officer with whom he was having an affair, the New York Times reported on Friday.

The newspaper cited officials who spoke on condition of anonymity. The Justice Department investigation focuses on whether Petraeus gave the woman, Paula Broadwell, access to his CIA email account and other highly classified information. The Times said officials have recommended felony charges.

The Washington Post – The NYPD’s work stoppage is costing the city lots of money. That’s great for New Yorkers.

For the past two weeks, the NYPD has drastically scaled back law enforcement. Criminal summonses and traffic tickets are down more than 90 percent from this time last year. In many precincts, the weekly tally of criminal infractions was near zero. Union leaders deny an organized movement. But the drop is viewed by many as a protest against Mayor Bill de Blasio and his perceived lack of support for police.

LA Times – Nebraska high court ruling paves way for Keystone XL vote, veto

The first significant veto showdown of President Obama’s administration escalated Friday after a Nebraska state court cleared one of the final obstacles to building the Keystone XL pipeline and the House passed legislation to approve it.

The international pipeline is a top priority for the new Republican-led Congress, which is eager to confront the White House on this and other issues.

International – Extreme Weather Displaces Far More People Than War — And It’s Getting Worse

Experts warned on Thursday that governments need to prepare themselves for a growing and often overwhelming influx of migrants. The displaced won’t be fleeing the horrors of the battlefield, they said, but environmental disasters, made more frequent and severe by climate change.

“Natural disasters displace three to 10 times more people than all conflicts and war in the world combined,” said Jan Egeland, head of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

The Guardian – Boko Haram’s ‘deadliest massacre’: 2,000 feared dead in Nigeria

Hundreds of bodies – too many to count – remain strewn in the bush in Nigeria from an Islamic extremist attack that Amnesty International described as the “deadliest massacre” in the history of Boko Haram.

Fighting continued on Friday around Baga, a town on the border with Chad where insurgents seized a key military base on 3 January and attacked again on Wednesday. – Haiti protesters clash with police in anti-Martelly march

Protesters in Haiti have clashed with police in a demonstration calling for the resignation of President Michel Martelly over long-delayed elections.

Police in the capital, Port-au-Prince, fired tear gas and sprayed water on hundreds of demonstrators.



18 Responses to “The Weekend Off – News You Missed”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Okay Mudflatters,let’s hear some learned opinions about this lack of transition from timber to tourism as promised four years ago.This is talked about in the latest issue ofFur-Fish-Game mag,the only magazine subscribe to.

  2. mike from iowa says:

    He said only Republican and conservative principles, such as focusing on education, fostering strong families and creating jobs, could solve a problem that President Lyndon Johnson first tackled 50 years ago.

    Money Boo Boo doing the comedy club routine in California. For a measly 7 figure check to his next run for Potus campaign,Mittens will give you a one story,straight up and straight down ride on his car elevator. Just like a private amusement park. What fun!

  3. Alaska Pi says:

    I admit to being Alaska-centric. I read and follow national and international happenings and appreciate hearing from others about such things but really(?) I am selfish and more interested in my own backyard.
    Thank you Zach and MF for this weekly post which hits on multiple bases.
    I am grateful to MF across many, many planes.
    Miss you Ms Jeanne/AKM and hoping you are busy doing super cool-beans new projects whilst WC and Zach are entertaining us here out front.
    Happy New Year MF!!!
    pup forever ,

  4. mike from iowa says:

    Wingnuts don’t want Trash-Canada to pay for oil spills from KXL(IRS ruled that bitumen is synthetic and therefore not taxable). Now wingnuts have cut funding for the IRS so your tax returns will prolly be late.

    • Alaska Pi says:

      mikey- those asshats are all about being obstructionists and forgive-the-poor-oilies, reglar hoomans be damned.
      To heck and infinite Pffttttt!!! with the phony jobs-for-the-common-hooman of the korporatye dinglefritzes and onward with real jobs for real people.
      Up with union labor and the dignity and respect for the everyday person !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. mike from iowa says:

    Serving as a legislator used to be an honorable thing for a citizen. Now ,it appears to be an inconvenient burden. Let’s move the capitol. Maybe wingnuts could give away alll of Alaska except Anchorage and get rid of the gubmint and appoint a dictator.

    Wingnuts-the most pathetic group of so called humans I’ve ever seen. You have to make their heads explode to expand their minds. If that is what it takes…….

    • Alaska Pi says:

      Dear mikey-,
      Mr Stoltze and his kindred are all all phoney poor-alaskans-and-their-rights-to -accountable-govt folks.
      ANC and the valley have the bulk of the state’s population and somehow that is supposed to translate as them all having more rights than the rest of us as per where-the-leg/gov’t parks-its-sorry-carcass.
      They continue to say that folks are disenfranchised because their Legs are sooooooo far away in JNU during sessiona s to be unaccountable to said citizens. Wahta a loadfa frickin PFFFTTTTTTTTT !!! frickin horsepunky . Senator Stoltze!
      1- we have Gavel-to-Gavel. We have as much or more regular coverage of Leg business via Gavel-to-Gavel as any state in the Union, you asshat.
      2- Via POM and regular email we have as much or more contact with our Legs as any state in the Union you asshat, Senator Stoltze.
      3- These things and much , much more are available at :

      you asshat, Senator Stoltze.
      I will only support a move of the Legislature to Barrow, Bethel, Kotzebue, , Craig, or St Paul, Senator Stolttze.
      Alaska, as a whole, is already suffering form the- road-railbelt-is-Alaska routine. We don’t need to give even more outsize preference to the urban tyranny crap you stand for. Period. PFFFTTTT!

      • Alaska Pi says:

        oops.apologies for all the spellos and punctuation gaffes. Senator Stoltze does not bring out the best in Pi obviously.
        Geeminentlly, crimenently, and holy moley!

        • mike from iowa says:

          You have no idea how badly I wuz missing those PFFFFTTTs. 🙂

        • benlomond2 says:

          Quit holding back,Pi !

          • Alaska Pi says:

            Hey, hi ! Miss you round these parts! Hope all is well with you and your lovely wife!

            • benlomond2 says:

              She hasn’t aged a bit, while I get more white haired ! Life’s been an adventure. only 6 more months until I finish off that degree, and then you’ll “see” me more. Lemon tree survived recent frost, I haven’t forgotten y’all like lemons.. and latest crop is getting BIG. Say “Hi” to Bear Woman for me and Britt!

              • Alaska Pi says:

                best wishes there for finishing that degree!!! almost! almost! great job!
                will pass on hellos and am dreaming about fresh lemons now… dang!

  6. mike from iowa says:

    Texas Ag Commish saves Texas schoolkids from eating healthy meals at schools.

    One can only guess this excuse for a human owns lots of dental stocks.

  7. mike from iowa says:

    South Dakota judge just denied state’s ban on same sex marriage,but then put a stay on the ruling to allow appeals to go forward.

  8. mike from iowa says:

    Didn’t Clinton help get a democratically elected leader in Haitoo and didn’t dumbass dubya help overthrow that government?