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Friday, January 28, 2022

Exxon Spill – 25 Years of Tears

Time has a strange affect on events in our lives. I feel I’m looking through a glass of water when I look back 25 years to this day, March 24, 1989. I’d left Seattle University and the Ballard Lochs on the M/V Westward heading north through the Inside Passage of British Columbia for the sac roe herring fishery in Sitka. No time in my life is etched as clearly as that spring. There is a certain magic about following Spring to Alaska. Per my not so scientific study, I’ve determined Spring moves at about 9 nautical miles an hour, about…

What Exxon Doesn’t Want You To Know About The Arkansas Oil Spill

You might have heard about the Exxon oil spill in Mayflower, Arkansas. The original Mayflower ship explored new territory. And in a way, so is this oil spill because it’s one of the first tar sands oil spills in the US and we’re learning how hard it is to clean up. I love learning new things, don’t you? – Lee Camp Here’s a guest post from comedian/activist Lee Camp. We’ll have an interview from Lee about his new show Moment of Clarity later in the week, but please listen to his informative rant on the Exxon Mayflower Spill. It’s Rated R…

Governor Sean Parnell: Lord of the Flaming Pants

Former director of government relations in Alaska for ConocoPhillips, Sean Parnell made an announcement on Tuesday. Some of you may know him by his other job working for the lobbying firm that represented ExxonMobil against Alaskans in the matter of a little oil spill that happened in Prince William Sound. Some of you may also know him as Captain Zero, or Caribou Ken, or SeanocoParnellips. However you know him, he also currently wears the mantle of Governor of the State of Alaska. But it’s been difficult for Sean to turn against his old bosses. He’s a loyal foot soldier, and…