“Russia with Love”: Alaska Gas Scandal is Out-of-Country, Not Out-of-State
Fri, 2014-04-18 10:28Steve Horn A legal controversy — critics would say scandal — has erupted in Alaska’s statehouse over the future of its natural gas bounty. It’s not so much an issue of the gas itself, but who gets to decide how it gets to…
Well now we have a in-state gas-line that passed…
So ask Senator Hollis French how that came about…
Must be that “email” he got at work…
A mention of ‘birthright owner’ pay day…
Might have something to do with all of a sudden cooperation…
Good thing for Alaska the ‘birthright owner’ is not a thief…
Here we go,dosey-do,come on baby let’s go boot Putin.
Cadillac,flashback baby meet me out back we’ll boot Putin.
Jump down,turn around,go to town,boot Putin Boogie.
Thanks for the melodies,Brooks and Dunn. 🙂
Putin and Palin flaunt their heavenly bodies amid dreams of celestial stardom. Fortunately,our universe contains more than enough gas giants. (I made this up)
Thank you Steve Horn for explaining this most disturbing news. And thanks to the Alaskan Democrats who are calling bs. Senator Hollis French has it right when he said “non-Alaskans shouldn’t be making policy for the state”.
I read through the minutes of the past board meetings of the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation from October thru now. It is amazing how much money is involved in this corporation. And the members have all the power to make major decisions regarding oil flow and where it goes.
When I hear “Sean Parnell is in bed with the oil companies”, I truly know what that means now.
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The More You Know…
the more you will realize that “things are not what they seem”…
And I agree with talking points of what is best for Alaskans…
as Senator Hollis pointed out…
360n..thank you for this information. I looked 360 North up and am quite excited about the information available.
Thanks for a great snapshot of something that is even more evil than you could ever imagine.
OT-Keystone XL decision postponed until at earliest Fall. Nebraska Supreme Court won’t schedule it until September hearing at the earliest. Obama under siege by both parties,again.
Is Prudhoe a contradiction in terms or an oxymoron?
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. It’s also one of the best sources of energy, as is wind. And Alaska’s geothermal potential is huge. Leave the fossil fuels in the ground. They’re filthy. And Sean Parnell is as filthy as the oil he loves (and the gas and coal, also, too).
don’t let a Republican know that…
it’s like putting sunlight on the vampires of politics in Alaska…
joking aside…
Watch 360North on TV and log onto 360north.org to keep up on the issues…
They have some pretty strange revisions to laws trying to occur…
Like one about limiting public access to criminal or court records?
Oh what a tangled web we catch
when incest’s condoned in the oil patch
MFI.. Like. Interesting way of condensing this interesting post.
Thank you. 🙂