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Friday, January 28, 2022

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska ADN – Rep. Don Young reveals his choice for president Rep. Don Young shared some frank thoughts about the Democratic presidential candidates — and Donald Trump — and revealed his presidential pick in an interview on “The Dave Stieren Show” this week. USA Today – Reports: Alaska Air close to deal to buy Virgin America Alaska Airlines is close to a deal to buy San Francisco-based Virgin America, according to multiple reports out Saturday. Juneau Empire – Pot initiative backer cites concern with Alaska smoking bill Public smoking restrictions that recently passed the Alaska Senate could hurt proposed cannabis cafes in…

“Russia with Love”: Alaska Gas Scandal is Out-of-Country, Not Out-of-State

“Russia with Love”: Alaska Gas Scandal is Out-of-Country, Not Out-of-State (via Desmogblog) Fri, 2014-04-18 10:28Steve Horn A legal controversy — critics would say scandal — has erupted in Alaska’s statehouse over the future of its natural gas bounty. It’s not so much an issue of the gas itself, but who gets to decide how it gets to…