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September 14, 2024


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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

The War Against Women Is On

“What’s wrong with this generation of women?! Why aren’t they out burning their bras like we did? Why are they lying down for all these attacks on their reproductive freedoms? Don’t they understand their economic freedom is their reproductive freedom? They are the same!” I should probably set the scene before I launch into this week’s thoughts on America’s fall from grace. My neighbor had cut a rather pitiful Christmas tree and I was in attendance to witness the merriment. I’m not much of a holiday person, but I was doing what I could to assist in securing the lopsided…

Treadwell Signs Up for A Racially Targeted Voter Hit list

Ask any Alaskan what the Lt. Governor does and the best answer that one might say is ‘protecting the Seal of Alaska.’ That’s Sec. 44.09.015. for those keeping track at home. The other somewhat important item that the Lt. Governor does – is oversee elections. For some reason that’s not talked about too much. When Mead Treadwell ran unsuccessfully for Senate earlier this year it was briefly discussed that he should step down at Lt. Gov. as he would, if we won the nomination be overseeing his own election. But in the end he said he wouldn’t. Because, you know we can trust…

Greg Palast asks, ‘How Do You Steal a Dream?’

How Do You Steal a Dream? Supreme Court hears suit to kill Voting Rights Act For By Greg Palast, author, “Billionaires and Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps” Video Produced by The Mudflats’ own, Zach D Roberts. Sign the petition to Defend Martin Luther King’s Dream Act – here. Read Shannyn Moore’s piece on how Alaska plays into all this – at the Anchorage Daily News Jim Crow is alive and well — and he has mounted a new attack on the law Martin Luther King dreamed of: the Voting Rights Act. February 27, the…