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July 27, 2024


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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Your Stupid is Showing

We’re on a new page in the tide book! On to the Happy Labor Day and good luck moose hunting time of year. I keep thinking we’ll get past some of the crazy and get a reprieve. Not even close. The Stupid is strong. I know, not a real shocking statement, but I think Stupid has joined CrossFit, can pop off one-arm pushups and is drinking butter in its coffee. A few years ago, a conspiracy-minded man called in to the radio show. He was quite sure I wouldn’t hear him out because of me being a liberal and all….

What AKM has Been Doing Lately – from the Mudflats to Tinseltown (I’m not kidding)

Hello Mudflatters, it’s me! Those who have been here from the beginning know me as “AKMuckraker,” or AKM. Back when I started tapping out anonymous blog posts about Alaska politics from my living room overlooking the mudflats I didn’t put my name on anything because I didn’t figure anyone would be reading it, and wasn’t convinced anyone would care what I had to say anyway. Then insanity struck, and Alaska’s governor got tapped by John McCain to be his VP nominee. The proverbial moose nuggets hit the fan and my readership kept climbing until The Mudflats reached its peak of…

Cheese Whiz And Donald Trump – Why He Can Win

It’s that time of the year again … family visits. Oh, Alaska, isn’t it funny who shows up? Remember me?? Um…well, this is awkward – not really, but sure, we’ve got a spare room. Nice to meet you. Here’s a specific hint to make these visits go smoothly. Don’t talk politics. I know, it’s a prime year for it, but try really hard. You might try something like, “Let’s make our family great again …, and not talk about crazy.” Friday morning the world woke up in shock that Britain had voted to break up its longtime relationship with the…

Joe Biden For VP

Written and originally published for I know, on principle it’s a ridiculous idea. Vice President Biden has already served 8 years in the position and it seems that he’s ready to retire. But here’s the deal – the current favorite media front runners for the position NEED to stay where they are. In a political world where Massachusetts Senate seats can go to Tea Party pickup driving guys darlings – Democrats don’t really have the flexibility for taking chances. But before we even talk about the current choices – let’s discuss 2008. Everyone wanted in on the Obama Administration,…

You Don’t Know What Liberal Means

  I get lots of e-mails from Jenny. She’s always asking for money. There’s always some looming threat from “LIBERALISM!” or “LEFTISTS.” Which is weird, since as a leftist and a liberal, I feel like there’s always a looming threat from CONSERVATISM and FASCISTS. Now I’m not Tea Party Patriots founder Jenny Beth Martin’s equal. She’s the head of an enormous organization with hundreds of thousands of members and millions of dollars. Her group sways national elections. I’m just a journalist who notices things. From the e-mail above she writes: “[Obama] has unions, leftist legal groups, and every liberal lobbying organization…

Palin and the “Dogs” of a ‘War’ Against Police

Here’s video of Sarah Palin calling #BlackLivesMatter protesters dogs. — Jesse Berney (@jesseberney) September 9, 2015 The video was captured by a writer for the lefty BlueNationReview at the anti-Iran deal protest in Washington, DC today. The video picks up somewhat mid-statement so we’re not quite sure yet if there is some weird Palin-istic metaphor going on here or if she really did just call the #BlackLivesMatter protestors “dogs.” Based on the mainstream media’s reports of her speech it doesn’t seem as though there is. It’s not shocking that Palin, like the rest of right wing in this country…

Sarah Palin, Speaking American, and Donald Trump

Authors note: Since every other blog and news site on the planet has commented on this, I felt that the Mudflats should share in at least some of those clicks. Because let’s be honest here, the only reason any of us are covering her at this point is for the traffic; she doesn’t have the influence to really  justify it. So with that statement out of the way, enjoy the slow moving train wreck. You’re reading this because, like me… you quietly hate yourself. But look at it this way; you didn’t have to transcribe 15 minutes of Palin-Speak.  There seems to be two out…

Photos: The NRA Takes Nashville

Three days in the center of gun country celebrating the Second Amendment – we saw big rifles, small handguns, Presidential candidates and so much more. Here’s a selection of photos from myself and Jeanne Devon of our time at the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting – this year in Nashville, Tennessee.      

Treadwell Signs Up for A Racially Targeted Voter Hit list

Ask any Alaskan what the Lt. Governor does and the best answer that one might say is ‘protecting the Seal of Alaska.’ That’s Sec. 44.09.015. for those keeping track at home. The other somewhat important item that the Lt. Governor does – is oversee elections. For some reason that’s not talked about too much. When Mead Treadwell ran unsuccessfully for Senate earlier this year it was briefly discussed that he should step down at Lt. Gov. as he would, if we won the nomination be overseeing his own election. But in the end he said he wouldn’t. Because, you know we can trust…

Don Young, Corruption and the DOJ

According to Roll Call a Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) investigation into Alaska’s lone-gunman Congressman will cost the taxpayers over $86k. It all started with the infamous “Coconut Road Corruption Investigation” – or really the lack of the release of documents pertaining to the investigation that will end forcing the DOJ to pay CREW for legal fees. You can get a little refresher on the Coconut Road debacle HERE. It’s still mind blowing. “[Judge] Kessler concluded that DOJ’s conduct in withholding documents from CREW was “unreasonable.” On Monday, she ordered the federal government to repay CREW’s $86,076.20…