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You Don’t Know What Liberal Means


Jenny Beth Martin, Founder of the Tea Party Patriots


I get lots of e-mails from Jenny. She’s always asking for money. There’s always some looming threat from “LIBERALISM!” or “LEFTISTS.”

Which is weird, since as a leftist and a liberal, I feel like there’s always a looming threat from CONSERVATISM and FASCISTS. Now I’m not Tea Party Patriots founder Jenny Beth Martin’s equal. She’s the head of an enormous organization with hundreds of thousands of members and millions of dollars. Her group sways national elections. I’m just a journalist who notices things.

From the e-mail above she writes: “[Obama] has unions, leftist legal groups, and every liberal lobbying organization pounding on-the-fence Republican senators.” Obama’s cabal of leftist Americans are “pounding” these on-the-fence Republicans demanding they do their damn jobs.  Obama, like most Americans, want a vote for the Supreme Court pick, Merrick Garland. The last poll that I can find said 53% of Americans want a vote. Which is beside the point. Even if American’s didn’t want a vote the Constitution and the history of the United States demands it. The same way that it demands that every 4 years we hold an election for President.

Our founding fathers – liberals and progressives of their time – wrote these documents for a reason. They didn’t want unelected leaders and King’s making decisions for them – beyond that they specifically noted who would make decisions, once elected.

Now with that said, I do not like Obama’s pick – he’s a conservative on nearly every stance that’s important to me as a progressive. He sides with the government on security issues, sides with corporations on Union fights and arguably is against expanding voting rights (see his DC voting rights decision). And I’m not sure we need another middle aged white man on the bench. I wish I could understand Obama’s logic on picking this nominee, the only thing I can see here is that he’s selecting the guy that Republicans should have no problem with… something that I don’t think a so called progressive President should do. But like the health care fight Obama has a tendency to compromise before the argument even begins – give them what they want and then they won’t be able to argue. Well, Mr. President they’ll argue. I’d guess that, even if you propped up Reagan’s corpse up there they’d figure out a reason to hate it.

That’s why I call upon the President to show Jenny Beth Martin and her fellow Tea Partiers what a real leftist looks like – and nominate Cornel West. Because F**K it. If we’re going to burn the house down we might as well roast some marshmallows.

For liberty,

Zach D Roberts

[here’s the letter in full, sans links, that I recieved this morning from Jenny]


The liberals’ massive political offensive is working. Now three GOP Senators just broke ranks and are demanding a vote on Obama’s leftist Supreme Court nominee.

Please donate $20, $25, $30, $50, $100, or whatever you can possibly afford today to the emergency Tea Party counterattack. We must convince all the remaining Republican senators to hold the line in the Senate.


Control over the Supreme Court and the future of our Constitution are at stake.

Already, the liberals have pressured three Republicans into surrendering on this issue.

Jerry Moran of Kansas, Mark Kirk of Illinois, and Susan Collins of Maine – all Republicans – are now standing with Obama and demanding a vote on Merrick Garland.

The liberals’ massive grassroots lobbying campaign is working.

And too many conservatives are sitting on the sideline.

If you think this battle is over and the Republicans in the Senate will be able to block this nomination until next year without support from the grassroots – you are wrong.

Obama wants liberal Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. Badly.

He has unions, leftist legal groups, and every liberal lobbying organization pounding on-the-fence Republican senators.

And conservatives are not fighting back. That’s why we’ve already lost three votes, and this battle hasn’t even really gotten started!

Please make the very best gift you can today. We are not yet able to apply counter-pressure to the Republican Senators who are blocking this terrible, terrible nomination.

For once, Mitch McConnell and his senators are trying to hold the line against incredible odds.

They are doing the right thing by blocking this nomination until the next President is sworn in.

They are doing the right thing by enforcing the “Biden rule” and allowing the American people to vote this November.

We, the conservative grassroots, need to support these senators. We need phone calls of support. We need encouraging emails and faxes.

We need Tea Party activists to visit GOP senators’ state offices and thank them for standing tall!

However, Tea Party Patriots doesn’t have the millions and millions of dollars it will take to fund such an operation. We never budgeted for a titanic Supreme Court battle this year.

So we’re asking for your financial support right away, while there’s still time.

Justice Scalia’s death was so unexpected no conservative group was anticipating such a fight this summer.

However, this is the fight we have. And right now, the liberals are winning.

Please give anything you can.

Obama has everyone from People for the American Way to the labor unions to Planned Parenthood out there fighting like crazy.

Conservatives, I’m sad to say, are still sitting on the sidelines. Too many good grassroots Americans believe this battle is won.

But it is not. This is an emergency.

Three GOP senators are now siding with Obama. If we lose many more, Merrick Garland will get a vote, and he will likely be confirmed!

Please help us. We have a great grassroots plan to support the GOP senators who are still fighting. But we need your help to fund it.

Please give anything you can today.

Thank you so much for your support in this critical battle to defend our Constitution.

For liberty,

Jenny Beth Martin
CEO and Co-Founder
Tea Party Patriots



2 Responses to “You Don’t Know What Liberal Means”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Being liberal represents all that was good in America and can be good again-if we can lose about 100 million freaking misogynistic,race-baiting, gun humping wingnuts.

  2. Mike D says:

    To be a good conservative, there is no wiggle room. You’re either on board with everything, or you can’t call yourself a conservative. So of course you must be anti-abortion, against social security, welfare, the U.N. The list goes on and on. It’s as if the expression of a different opinion might get you thrown out of the club. I object to the fact conservatives have coopted the term values, as in the party of values or values voters. We all have values.
    And of course conservatives are continually under attack, because nothing binds a group together like fear. Unfortunately liberals think a good conversation that is reasoned, thoughtful, and logical will illuminate the bulb and common sense will rule the day. No. One thing and one thing only slows down this train–Voting!