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Friday, January 28, 2022

Don Young, Corruption and the DOJ

According to Roll Call a Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) investigation into Alaska’s lone-gunman Congressman will cost the taxpayers over $86k. It all started with the infamous “Coconut Road Corruption Investigation” – or really the lack of the release of documents pertaining to the investigation that will end forcing the DOJ to pay CREW for legal fees. You can get a little refresher on the Coconut Road debacle HERE. It’s still mind blowing. “[Judge] Kessler concluded that DOJ’s conduct in withholding documents from CREW was “unreasonable.” On Monday, she ordered the federal government to repay CREW’s $86,076.20…

Don Young Makes a Fool of Himself Again

Alaska’s lone Congressman Don Young – who, when not making racist remarks to reporters or getting caught up in scandals, is usually busy doing nothing in Congress. I’m pretty sure at this point the Democrats on the national scene have decided to just let him keep the seat because he’s a fantastic fundraiser for them. Most of the time it’s one of the lefty blogs that catches him being… well, Don Young. This time it was the relatively right of center Daily Caller. Here’s the title of the piece that they wrote this week. Congressman Yucks It Up On House…