Don Young, Corruption and the DOJ
According to Roll Call a Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) investigation into Alaska’s lone-gunman Congressman will cost the taxpayers over $86k. It all started with the infamous “Coconut Road Corruption Investigation” – or really the lack of the release of documents pertaining to the investigation that will end forcing the DOJ to pay CREW for legal fees. You can get a little refresher on the Coconut Road debacle HERE. It’s still mind blowing. “[Judge] Kessler concluded that DOJ’s conduct in withholding documents from CREW was “unreasonable.” On Monday, she ordered the federal government to repay CREW’s $86,076.20…
Norway’s Lessons Are Alaska’s To Learn
Alaskans are a bunch of people who want to be around a bunch of people who don’t want to be around a bunch of people. By Shannyn Moore I once saw a bush pilot restart his plane with the gum wrapper off a piece of Big Red. I asked him if it would work. He smiled and said, “It’ll get me to where I can get what I need.” That seems to be a prevailing philosophy here. Tyvek is not siding, but it’ll keep the wind out. In May a delegation of Alaska lawmakers will head to Norway. The intellectually…