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Photos: The NRA Takes Nashville

Three days in the center of gun country celebrating the Second Amendment – we saw big rifles, small handguns, Presidential candidates and so much more. Here’s a selection of photos from myself and Jeanne Devon of our time at the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting – this year in Nashville, Tennessee.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal holds a brief press availability before the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal holds a brief press availability before the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville. (photo: Zach D Roberts)

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal at the NRA annual meeting in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal at the NRA annual meeting in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)

The audience of the NRA Leadership forum in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)

The audience of the NRA Leadership forum in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)

Lt. Col. Oliver North performs the invocation at the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville, proclaiming his "demand" for a President with integrity...(photo ZD Roberts)

Lt. Col. Oliver North performs the invocation at the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville, proclaiming his “demand” for a President with integrity…(photo ZD Roberts)

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker addresses the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker addresses the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)

Senator Ted Cruz explains his hopes for the future in America and his love of the 2nd Amendment at the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville. (photo ZD Roberts)

Senator Ted Cruz explains his hopes for the future in America and his love of the 2nd Amendment at the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville. (photo ZD Roberts)

TV Show host and businessman Donald Trump shares his thoughts on Obama with the crowd at the NRA Leadership forum in Nashville (photo: ZD Roberts)

TV Show host and businessman Donald Trump shares his thoughts on Obama with the crowd at the NRA Leadership forum in Nashville (photo: ZD Roberts)

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham speaks about how guns and the 2nd Amendment is one issue that often crosses the politicla aisle in Congress. (photo ZD Roberts)

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham speaks about how guns and the 2nd Amendment is one issue that often crosses the political aisle in Congress. (photo ZD Roberts)

Former Arkansas Governor and FoxNews Host Mike Huckabee talks about his book "God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy," and the problems in America today. (Photo: ZD Roberts)

Former Arkansas Governor and FoxNews Host Mike Huckabee talks about his book “God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy,” and the problems in America today. (Photo: ZD Roberts)

Senator Marco Rubio speaks to the crowd gathered at the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville, TN. (photo ZD Roberts)

Senator Marco Rubio speaks to the crowd gathered at the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville, TN. (photo ZD Roberts)

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush speaks at the NRA Leadership forum in Nashville. (photo ZD Roberts)

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush speaks at the NRA Leadership forum in Nashville. (photo ZD Roberts)

Former Senator Rick Santorum holds up his Virginia concealed handgun carry permit card at the NRA Leadership forum in Nashville, TN. (photo ZD Roberts)

Former Senator Rick Santorum holds up his Virginia concealed handgun carry permit card at the NRA Leadership forum in Nashville, TN. (photo ZD Roberts)

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum addresses the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum addresses the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)

NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris Cox embraces former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum at the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)

NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris Cox embraces former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum at the NRA Leadership Forum in Nashville. (photo: ZD Roberts)


Downtown Nashville (Photo: J Devon)

Downtown Nashville
(Photo: J Devon)

Downtown Nashville (Photo: J Devon)

Downtown Nashville
(Photo: J Devon)

The NRA Annual Meeting lobby in Nashville. (Photo: J Devon)

The NRA Annual Meeting lobby in Nashville. (Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

Former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld after he signed his book "Known and Unknown" for attendees of the NRA annual meeting in Nashville.

Former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld after he signed his book “Known and Unknown” for attendees of the NRA annual meeting in Nashville.

Ruh-roh... Somebody's in trouble. (Photo: J Devon)

Ruh-roh… Somebody’s in trouble. (Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)


(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

Peggy Tartaro of the Second Amendment Foundation with Brian the Moose. (Photo: J Devon)

Peggy Tartaro of the Second Amendment Foundation with Brian the Moose. (Photo: J Devon)

Joe Tartaro of the Second Amendment Foundation with Brian the Moose. (Photo: J Devon)

Joe Tartaro of the Second Amendment Foundation with Brian the Moose. (Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)

(Photo: J Devon)


Photo: ZD Roberts

Photo: ZD Roberts

Photo: ZD Roberts

Photo: ZD Roberts

Photo: ZD Roberts

Photo: ZD Roberts

Photo: ZD Roberts

Photo: ZD Roberts

Nikon: It's not just for cameras. (photo ZD Roberts)

Nikon: It’s not just for cameras. (photo ZD Roberts)

It's like "Guess how many jellybeans," only with shotgun shells. (photo: ZD Roberts)

It’s like “Guess how many jellybeans,” only with shotgun shells. (photo: ZD Roberts)



12 Responses to “Photos: The NRA Takes Nashville”
  1. Marilyn says:

    This was possibly the most frightening footage I’ve ever seen in my life…amazed at the women involved, too…hate and fearmongering rampant…scairy people. You were so brave, and so was Brian!!

  2. Mike D says:

    When did Jindal become a member of the Blue Man Group?

  3. akbright says:

    Oliver North proclaimed his “demand” for a President with integrity? I don’t think he would know integrity if it bit him in the ass.

    • mike from iowa says:

      Sure he would. Integrity is spelled IOKIYAR (it’s okay if you’re a rethuglican) 🙂

  4. Love My Dogs says:

    What? No pink camo guilley suits? I am so disappointed.

  5. Amy says:

    Looks like Buttmunch Central.

  6. mike from iowa says:

    boodog-quite the dichotomy you spelled out except to wingnuts dichotomy is the procedure Marcus Bachmann uses to pray the gay out of Lesbians.

  7. boodog says:

    Poor Brian! Give that Moose a Medal for going above and beyond- surrounded by all those killing machines. Politics is one thing, but a selfie with the enemy right in their own camp??
    He could have ended up as a big bowl of Brian Chili.

  8. mike from iowa says:

    Exceptional country,indeed. Nutjob codified version of the 2nd Amendment except for the real important part about well regulated militia.Every weapon shown is similar to what our founding fathers used and approved of,not. Every speaker made a personal sacrifice to serve their country in the military,not! With the exception of Miss Lindsey Graham cracker.

  9. Zyxomma says:

    That must have been stranger than visiting another country — ANY other country.

  10. slipstream says:

    That was a very dangerous place for Brian to visit! Rifles everywhere!

    What a brave moose! He must be made of steely stuff.