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February 9, 2025


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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin and the “Dogs” of a ‘War’ Against Police

Here’s video of Sarah Palin calling #BlackLivesMatter protesters dogs. — Jesse Berney (@jesseberney) September 9, 2015 The video was captured by a writer for the lefty BlueNationReview at the anti-Iran deal protest in Washington, DC today. The video picks up somewhat mid-statement so we’re not quite sure yet if there is some weird Palin-istic metaphor going on here or if she really did just call the #BlackLivesMatter protestors “dogs.” Based on the mainstream media’s reports of her speech it doesn’t seem as though there is. It’s not shocking that Palin, like the rest of right wing in this country…