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February 18, 2025


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Friday, January 28, 2022

I’m not being racist here, but…

Have you ever noticed right before someone says something racist, they say, “I’m not being racist here, but…”, and then they say something racist. You know what’s coming. A Denali tour pilot wrote something racist online and he’s feeling the brunt of many Alaskans who are tired of racism against Native Alaskans. Among other things, the pilot said “no Natives.” I realize he’s an out of stater, but part of the historical shame that magnified his comments were the “No Dogs, No Natives” signs that used to hang in too many of businesses. One of the commenters on the article…

Time to End Columbus Day

Kid’s love Columbus Day. It’s a day off for no reason – there’s no holiday to really celebrate – no uncomfortable suits to wear at church or awkward family gatherings. Just a day off. The parent may go shopping, but that’s really about it… worst case scenario you end the day with a new TV, or a couch. We were taught that Columbus Day celebrates a great explorer, someone that fought against the group think that the earth was flat. And that he actually discovered something new. When in actuality his discovery of ‘the America’s’ is like me ‘discovering’ that…

Greg Palast asks, ‘How Do You Steal a Dream?’

How Do You Steal a Dream? Supreme Court hears suit to kill Voting Rights Act For By Greg Palast, author, “Billionaires and Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps” Video Produced by The Mudflats’ own, Zach D Roberts. Sign the petition to Defend Martin Luther King’s Dream Act – here. Read Shannyn Moore’s piece on how Alaska plays into all this – at the Anchorage Daily News Jim Crow is alive and well — and he has mounted a new attack on the law Martin Luther King dreamed of: the Voting Rights Act. February 27, the…