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Friday, January 28, 2022

Joe Miller & 20 Million Mexicans

I’m sure you saw this last week in the ADN, or you might have even seen it in your mailbox. Joe Miller claiming that Mark Begich wants these tattooed Central American ‘gang’ members to not only become citizens… but also vote. “And if 20 Million illegals vote, you can kiss the 2nd Amendment goodbye. I am the only candidate who favors Voter ID.” -Joe Miller Let’s break this down, Joe. First, according to the US government and the Pew Hispanic Trust numbers, there are 11.7 million immigrants living illegally in the country. So I’m not sure where the 20 million…

Sullivan, Treadwell vs. Women

You’d think a vote for the Violence Against Women Act would be a no-brainer. You’d think this because opposing violence against women should be as controversial a position as supporting the troops or enjoying apple pie. If you live in Alaska, you’d really think this is an easy vote, because all three members of Alaska’s Congressional delegation—including Republicans Lisa Murkowski and Don Young—have supported the bill in the past. Senator Murkowski has gone so far as to lobby House Republicans on reauthorizing the law, and has signed on to a bipartisan letter of support which reads in part as follows:…

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska ADN – Study envisions possible fallout from a Canadian Beaufort oil spill A well blowout, pipeline breach or vessel accident in the Canadian Beaufort Sea could spew spilled oil westward for months, polluting waters off Alaska and soiling habitat used by whales, seals and migrating seabirds, according to a study released Friday by the World Wildlife Fund. Fairbanks Daily Miner – Pro-marijuana legalization group urges opponents not to get all drunk at fundraiser The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol today urged attendees of the anti-legalization group’s Anchorage fundraiser to “exercise caution” because the event is co-hosted by a former…

UPDATE! Still NOT Made in Alaska – Phuket, We’re buying from Thailand

Looks like Dan is reading TheMudflats. I checked his site today and all the photos mentioned changed over to new ones. You can see for yourself at the screenshot below, taken Wednesday 4/2/2014 at about 9:50am AK Time.   —————————————— We published a story titled “NOT Made in Alaska – DC Dan Buys from New Zealand”  about 5 days ago. In the article (which is worth a read) we show that Dan Sullivan bought a photo for his site that was supposed to portray Alaska, but the photo was actually of New Zealand. Not ground breaking investigative research, but if you’re…

July 4th Parade Photos – Anchorage (Part 2)

Here’s part two of the Anchorage July 4th Parade and Fair photo essay. You can check out part 1 here. Even with the damp weather the crowds were out in force – many in some really cool costumes/uniforms – the 5 men in period uniforms were nice enough to pose for me out on the park strip.              

July 4th Parade Photos – Anchorage (Part 1)

This July 4th was a wet one in Anchorage. The day started with a slight drizzle and then just petered out to be damp, a bit cold. Luckily there was a good amount to do and see on the Anchorage park strip – between the parade and the fair so I kept warm. There was also a chili cook off that unfortunately I forgot to test out. I took quite a few photos – and even after the edits ended up with a pretty size-able photo-essay so I decided to cut it into two parts. The second part will be…

Poll: “Alaskans want Sarah Palin to Run,” Alaskans: UM, NO.

Another week, another set of polls concerning the Alaska Senate race. Last week PPP polled Sen. Begich, this week it’s a poll on the Republican primary ticket… and it’s a bit surprising. Sarah Palin wins the Republican Senate nomination. For those outside of Alaska you might be thinking, “duh… of course.” But for those in the state it’s common knowledge that not too many people are a huge fans Palin, who has come to be known as “the quitter” or the “half-term governor.” In fact she’s so disliked here that according to a PPP poll in February she would lose to Hillary…