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Friday, January 28, 2022

UPDATE! Still NOT Made in Alaska – Phuket, We’re buying from Thailand

Looks like Dan is reading TheMudflats. I checked his site today and all the photos mentioned changed over to new ones. You can see for yourself at the screenshot below, taken Wednesday 4/2/2014 at about 9:50am AK Time.   —————————————— We published a story titled “NOT Made in Alaska – DC Dan Buys from New Zealand”  about 5 days ago. In the article (which is worth a read) we show that Dan Sullivan bought a photo for his site that was supposed to portray Alaska, but the photo was actually of New Zealand. Not ground breaking investigative research, but if you’re…

Corporate Giant vs. Retirees in West Virginia

Today is May Day – in honor of International Workers Day we’re publishing James Fassinger’s, moving photo-essay about a group of retirees in West Virginia fighting a corporate giant for benefits promised to them. They’re doing it Occupy style.  James has sent us this story to get the word out about this struggle. He’s an internationally published photographer – with the Guardian, The New York Times and the Times of London.  This is the first in a monthly series that will be posting featuring the very best in photo-journalism. Please share this story widely.    Nearly one year ago,…

Beast It: A Film for Climate Science

By Paige Brown Tales of a little wonder of a film for climate science are popping up everywhere, from today’s feature story at Louisiana State University, to a recent Guardian blog post, to a Smithsonian story on the film’s stunning visual art. “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” a 2012 film directed by Benh Zeitlin and based on a play written by Lucy Alibar, is a film about loss, courage, climate changes and human perseverance in southern Louisiana. The fictional island in the film, the “Isle de Charles Doucet,” was inspired by real communities in Louisiana’s Terrebonne Parish such the rapidly…