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Friday, January 28, 2022

The Simple Truth Behind Ballot Initiative No. 1

There is a lot of money being spent to get Alaskans to “Vote No” on Ballot Measure No. 1, with those opponents painting pictures of certain doom for Alaska’s economy. But what those opponents don’t say speaks volumes as to their motivations. Unfortunately, the messaging about what Ballot Measure No. 1 truly does is rather scattered, so let’s bring it all together. First, let’s start with a little history. One of the principal reasons for becoming a state, which was discussed over and over again at the Alaska Constitutional Convention in Fairbanks in November 1955, was the mismanagement of our…

Crony Capitalism is the Norm In Juneau

The debate in Juneau over oil tax credits has captured the attention of most Alaskans by now. Alaska is paying out over $700 million more in oil tax credits than we get in production taxes. This arrangement where we pay more in tax credits than we get in production taxes is projected to last until 2025. But below the surface lies a much deeper debate over the fundamental nature of capitalism in our society. Capitalism is generally defined as an economic system where private individuals control the means of production for their own profit. A danger of capitalism has always been when…

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska The Guardian – Record high Arctic temperatures in 2015 having ‘profound effects’ on region The Arctic experienced record air temperatures and a new low in peak ice extent during 2015, with scientists warning that climate change is having “profound effects” on the entire marine ecosystem and the indigenous communities that rely upon it. Newsminer – Near-hurricane force winds expected near Delta, Alaska Range Two storms packing winds of 50 to 90 mph are aiming for Delta Junction and Alaska Range passes today through mid-week. AP News – Alaska’s Inuit link steady food supply to environment health Alaska Inuit hunter John Goodwin for…

On the Campaign Trail: East Coast Edition

In October and November of 2014 I was on assignment for Al Jazeera America, working with Greg Palast. We were on the trail of the 2016 vote theft. If you haven’t read it by now please check out our Sidney Award winning article on Kris Kobach’s voter registration purge program, Crosscheck and the followup on activists responses. Along the way I discovered that Alaska was in on the scheme and reported the story for TheMudflats – read it here. Along the way we happened across another story, the 2014 election. Here’s some photos and video from the Monday and Tuesday of the…

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska ADN – Wasilla mayoral candidate’s war against ‘police state’ includes long-ago urge to ambush Vegas officers Loren Means, a candidate for Wasilla mayor and a current city planning commissioner, once stalked and planned to ambush Las Vegas jail officers, and this summer he told a Wasilla police officer that a head shot was the only way to kill an officer wearing body armor. An email about the Las Vegas incident as well as several encounters with local police surfaced Thursday in a packet Mayor Verne Rupright distributed to the Wasilla City Council. Juneau Empire – Suspicious tree fires puzzle Forest Service…

Pay 2 Play – Democracy’s High Stakes

The Utne Reader calls it “a stirring plea to level the playing field in our political system by ending “pay to play”—the quid pro quo of trading political favors for campaign donations. Picking up on the themes of Occupy Wall Street, the film rails against corporate personhood, dark money, and calls for the repeal of Citizens United. Daily Kos says: “I believe that this is a must watch film because it puts everything together in a way that anyone can understand this complex issue and it even puts a strategy on the table to get America to a functioning democracy.” But…

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska ADN – Study envisions possible fallout from a Canadian Beaufort oil spill A well blowout, pipeline breach or vessel accident in the Canadian Beaufort Sea could spew spilled oil westward for months, polluting waters off Alaska and soiling habitat used by whales, seals and migrating seabirds, according to a study released Friday by the World Wildlife Fund. Fairbanks Daily Miner – Pro-marijuana legalization group urges opponents not to get all drunk at fundraiser The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol today urged attendees of the anti-legalization group’s Anchorage fundraiser to “exercise caution” because the event is co-hosted by a former…

Thursday’s Shannyn Moore Show on BlogTalkRadio

Discover Politics Progressive Internet Radio with The Shannyn Moore Show on BlogTalkRadio Here’s your homework for the tonight! Begich blasts attack ad featuring actress pretending to be Alaskan Oklahoma Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples Swiss outrage over executive pay sparks a movement in Europe California Pastor Flips Out Over Costco Filing Bible Under ‘Fiction’

Shannyn Moore is Making a Move!

The Shannyn Moore Show is now on Blog Talk Radio – you can tune in at Sign up here for e-mail updates (don’t worry we won’t spam you) Check out yesterdays show below and be sure to tune in at Blog Talk Radio tonight your regularly scheduled Friday’s in the Mud with’s Jeanne Devon. Check Out Politics Progressive Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with The Shannyn Moore Show on BlogTalkRadio

Open Thread: Palin, Alaskans Have Something to Say

Palin, during her semi-annual book selling tour has been hitting the airwaves saying stupid things. Alaskans understand at this point that this is part of the deal. She comes out with a book, or she needs money for her PAC she hits the TV and says ‘controversial things’ – raises Tea Party cash and then heads back to her desert villa. I’ve been thinking of a response to her ridiculous comments on the ‘liberal‘ Pope when I happened across the Alaskan band Portugal. The Man. While their song is non-political… I couldn’t happen to add my own meaning to their…