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February 18, 2025


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Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Time to Jump Back In

Dear Reader, When last I wrote you, we were still waiting on salmon runs, the Red Sox were coming on strong, and the country seemed a little less insane than it does now. Sadly, too many of us are still waiting on the fish to come or have been shut down because of depressed returns. The Red Sox are first in the league and breaking their own records every week, and for this I am grateful. I’ve spent a few days wearing rain gear — not to keep dry, but to keep the mosquitoes from sending me to town for…

Battle for Survival Doesn’t Stop at Home for Veterans

Some weeks are spent spinning wheels, reading documents and APOC reports, listening to terrible talk radio recordings, trying to make sense of candidates who just don’t add up. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out the hinky nature of a South Anchorage Senate candidate, Natasha von Imhof. Why is the governor’s office being so super secret about the tax settlement with her business and why was it announced the day after the primary? Why does her story keep changing? I have a table full of flowcharts, and none of it makes a lick of sense. I first…

Around the Lens – Episode 23 This week featured Danish photojournalist and documentary filmmaker Thomas Emil Sørensen and returning panelist Mark Schierbecker, first amendment freedom fighter and filmmaker/photojournalist. We discussed Mark’s life post Melissa Click, the death of Prince and stupid things photographers say about gear. Our picks this week included an article about the identity of the Iwo Jima flag raisers, the recent fire in a church in NYC, a bus line for the homeless and article on branding yourself. Watch the show here. Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or YouTube, or via our direct feed, follow us on Twitter and and like us on Facebook. To…

Photos: Bill Clinton in Scranton, PA [Updating Live-ish]

The Clinton campaign comes to the Keystone State with an appearance from the former President himself, Bill Clinton. I’ll be updating the photos as I take them. So far there are a couple hundred people waiting for Bill at the Scranton High School gymnasium. There are a handful of opposing campaigns not so subtlely waiting to get in – a crew of bros supporting Donald Trump and a solo Bernie fan. Check back later for more photos – and possibly from video. UPDATE! The Trump kids didn’t end up doing anything other than raise their hats a couple times when…

Olbermann on the NFL – FIRE EVERYONE

Man, I miss Keith Olbermann. I know I say this often but it’s moments like this, that one really remembers the old days of MSNBC. Keith would go on a uninterrupted 5 minute rant on something that Bush or Cheney did and it would be glorious. We’d all talk about it on MySpace or on ‘the facebook,’ and then there’d be the inevitable online and print backlash from ‘respectable’ journalists who didn’t like his firebrand ways. Well most of those journalists are out of a job now or working for some think tank figuring out a way to drag us into…

Pay 2 Play – Democracy’s High Stakes

The Utne Reader calls it “a stirring plea to level the playing field in our political system by ending “pay to play”—the quid pro quo of trading political favors for campaign donations. Picking up on the themes of Occupy Wall Street, the film rails against corporate personhood, dark money, and calls for the repeal of Citizens United. Daily Kos says: “I believe that this is a must watch film because it puts everything together in a way that anyone can understand this complex issue and it even puts a strategy on the table to get America to a functioning democracy.” But…