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January 22, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Parkland kids inspire a veteran to march

Originally published in Nation of Change The march for our lives brought over 800,000 people out to the streets of our nations capitol… hundreds of thousands more across the country as well. Like the Women’s March in January of 2017 or the March for Science later a couple months later – the March for our lives brought a new contingent of people out to the streets. I’ve known Bill Fulton for a little over a year now personally. But the first time I met him I was in Alaska working for an Alaskan political blog called That was the…

Battle for Survival Doesn’t Stop at Home for Veterans

Some weeks are spent spinning wheels, reading documents and APOC reports, listening to terrible talk radio recordings, trying to make sense of candidates who just don’t add up. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out the hinky nature of a South Anchorage Senate candidate, Natasha von Imhof. Why is the governor’s office being so super secret about the tax settlement with her business and why was it announced the day after the primary? Why does her story keep changing? I have a table full of flowcharts, and none of it makes a lick of sense. I first…

UPDATE: It’s Come To This: Denying Grieving Families Benefits

Updated 10-10-13 4pm AK Time Just received this e-mail from IAVA – and for once it’s excellent news.  Big news on the government shutdown. Washington is finally starting to listen. Because Americans came together and raised hell, the families of those killed in action will get their death gratuity benefits on time and be able to travel to Dover to receive their loved one. We’re thankful to the Fisher House Foundation for stepping up and taking care of the military families who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We’ve updated our Shutdown FAQ feed on our site with today’s news and…

Half-Term Governor Palin Speaks on ‘Barrycades’

Half-Term, The Quitter – there are many things that Alaskans call former Governor Sarah Palin. She quit our state for warmer climates but  – the one thing that she just can’t quit is opinion-ating on everything. As a person that quit government completely, and ‘shutdown’ her own term of office I find it interesting that she has an opinion to share on the government shutdown. But, of course she does. Here’s an excerpt of stupid: My Call For Civil Disobedience Around The “Barrycades” It’s beyond shameful to see Barack Obama disrespect and mistreat our World War II veterans so blatantly. Obama’s…

Tammy Duckworth Shames Defense Contractor

Wednesday, June 26th, Representative Tammy Duckworth (D-Il.) showed why we were all so excited about her getting elected in 2012. Watch her obliterate, eviscerate, shame and then kick the crap out of this Defense Contractor for claiming veteran disability on a high school ankle injury. I promise you it will be one of the more satisfying 8 minutes of your life. It should be noted for those that do not know – Representative Duckworth is a hero for more than this – she lost both of her legs fighting in the Iraq War. From her website: As a Black Hawk…