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Friday, January 28, 2022

Photos: Trump Lands in Kinston, North Carolina

Donald Trump landed his plane in Hurricane Matthew slammed Kinston, North Carolina Wednesday night to a crowd of enthusiastic supporters that numbered in the thousands. It was a smaller audience than i was used to seeing at Trump rallies but still a surprising crowd for a 7pm rally in a town that just a week ago had been evacuated. Trump gave his stump speech of calling for Secretary Clinton to be jailed but didn’t tell the crowd that the election would be rigged.

Photos: Bill Clinton in Scranton, PA [Updating Live-ish]

The Clinton campaign comes to the Keystone State with an appearance from the former President himself, Bill Clinton. I’ll be updating the photos as I take them. So far there are a couple hundred people waiting for Bill at the Scranton High School gymnasium. There are a handful of opposing campaigns not so subtlely waiting to get in – a crew of bros supporting Donald Trump and a solo Bernie fan. Check back later for more photos – and possibly from video. UPDATE! The Trump kids didn’t end up doing anything other than raise their hats a couple times when…

WATCH: Colbert Calls Begich a Hero

Last night, The Colbert Report responded to the defeat in the Senate of the Manchin-Toomey Amendment in an extremely funny segment that once again brought Alaska into the spotlight. Colbert called Alaska’s Democratic Senator, Mark Begich, a “hero” saying: “Despite relentless pressure from special interest grieving parents, 45 Brave Senators stood tall to protect what they find most precious, the A rating from the NRA. “The heroes were not just Republicans, 4 brave Democrats joined in, including Alaskan Senator Mark Begich, who celebrated his vote to kill background checks saying ‘It’s dangerous to do any type of policy in an emotional…