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January 25, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Photos: Bill Clinton in Scranton, PA [Updating Live-ish]

The Clinton campaign comes to the Keystone State with an appearance from the former President himself, Bill Clinton. I’ll be updating the photos as I take them. So far there are a couple hundred people waiting for Bill at the Scranton High School gymnasium. There are a handful of opposing campaigns not so subtlely waiting to get in – a crew of bros supporting Donald Trump and a solo Bernie fan. Check back later for more photos – and possibly from video. UPDATE! The Trump kids didn’t end up doing anything other than raise their hats a couple times when…

Poll: “Alaskans want Sarah Palin to Run,” Alaskans: UM, NO.

Another week, another set of polls concerning the Alaska Senate race. Last week PPP polled Sen. Begich, this week it’s a poll on the Republican primary ticket… and it’s a bit surprising. Sarah Palin wins the Republican Senate nomination. For those outside of Alaska you might be thinking, “duh… of course.” But for those in the state it’s common knowledge that not too many people are a huge fans Palin, who has come to be known as “the quitter” or the “half-term governor.” In fact she’s so disliked here that according to a PPP poll in February she would lose to Hillary…

What We Must Do.

It’s been an amazing weekend here it Pittsburgh.  I have been overwhelmed, and moved, and outraged, and humbled over and over.  The progressive movement has had incredible successes this year, but it now faces challenges that many of us were not expecting.  We wanted to think that the election of Barack Obama meant that a progressive was at the helm, and that the ship of state would start heading in a new direction.  It was a lot of work, but we did it.  “Yes, we did,” the saying went.  The problem with that saying is that it is decisively in…

Netroots Nation – Bill Clinton

When I heard that President Bill Clinton was going to be speaking at the Netroots Nation conference this year, I was pretty excited.  I noted the irony that I hadn’t ever blogged about Bill Clinton until last week when  I had noted with gratitude the role that he had played in freeing the two journalists being held captive in North Korea, and mentioned how he had redeemed himself a bit in my eyes for NAFTA, and the Telecommunications Act of 1996 among other things.  I hold grudges sometimes, but I’m not beyond recognizing that he has had some pretty amazing achievements…