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March 27, 2025


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Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

The Mudflats Holiday Guide

The chaos of Black Friday has passed. The quiet insanity of Cyber Monday has gone by without incident. Now we are officially into the Holiday season, so start looking for the perfect tree, light the first candle on that Menorah and check out this short list of must have Alaska gifts. Some of them are tax deductible, some of them benefit us at the Mudflats but all of them one way or another support Alaska.  1) For just $50 you can get our favorite hoodie and a membership to Cook Inletkeeper! It’s a fantastic gift and includes shipping to where ever you…

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

  Alaska The Daily Beast – The Keystone Bill’s Most Hilarious Amendment: Protecting Chicken, Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan’s (R-Alaska) first amendment as a lawmaker sent a clear message to the federal government: Nobody messes with Chicken, Alaska. Nobody. Sullivan’s amendment to the Keystone XL Pipeline bill—expected to be voted as soon as Monday— bars officials from Environmental Protection Agency from carrying guns, a direct result of a “raid” conducted in a tiny gold mining town in 2013. A town called Chicken. ADN – Alaska health department investigates possible measles case The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services is investigating a possible…

Road Trips, Protests and Kiev – 2014 In Photos

2014 was an insane year. I haven’t experienced anything like it in my lifetime. Sure, everyone says that’s every year when writing these end of the year summary type articles. But just for a moment stay with my on this. We had the rekindling of the Cold War in Ukraine, riots in the streets of a middle American city, Civil Rights protests in every major city in America, a border crisis (however made-up) and a mid-term election that effectively ended Obama’s chances of doing anything before the end of his Presidency. Somehow I ended up being at all those events….

Save the Internet! [Yes, again]

So we’re here doing this again. First it was PIPA, then SOPA, now the fight for the internet to stay an even playing field for all is back again. Whether it be for net neutrality or to stop the Time-Warner Comcast merger – the battle is at hand and tougher than ever. That’s why TheMudflats and with hundreds of other sites and millions of people are joining the Battle for the Internet. If you’re not concerned with a corporate takeover of the internet or just don’t understand why this series of tubes is important please read this, from and then…

The Tan Suit: Who Wore it Better?

The Republican’s latest attack on President Obama is centered around a tan suit. I wish that I lived in a world where that would be hard to believe. Congressman Peter King discussed the President’s remarks on ISIS yesterday. Transcript from Buzzfeed: “There’s no way any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday,” King said of President Obama on NewsMaxTV. “When you have the world watching… a week, two weeks of anticipation of what the United States is gonna do. For him to walk out — I’m not trying to be trivial here — in a light suit, light tan…

Don’t Tread On Grammar: Reader Response

So, a while ago I made this No Pebble flag using art by the inimitable Ray Troll. It’s a riff on the Gadsden flag. Someone didn’t like it too much. I got this in my e-mail.  Which, of course I forwarded to Jeanne. After some grade school corrections from Jeanne, I created this. Remember kids, fund public education.

Tea Party X-Mas Gifts

We’ve all got one in our family. A teabagger. Outside of the John Water’s reference that makes me giggle everytime I hear the word, we all know what that means…  Arguments over Obamacare, Obamaphones, Obama birth certificates and other Obama related tragedies. Unfortunately it’s the Holidays, so you’ll need to buy this lovely human being that is somehow related to you a gift. The latest Chomsky book isn’t going to work, and neither is a t-shirt from [wink]. That’s why I’ve complied a list of some sure fire gifts for that angry at the world for making him white in…

Obama: Alaska Get Your Act Together on LGBT Protections

So do we need a Federal Overreach Summit on Facebook? I’m sure that Gov. Parnell and his crew will be weighing in on their own social media sites soon. But until then – what do you think Alaskans should we listen to the President and actually protect our citizens who happen to be gay from workplace discrimination. (That’s more of a rhetorical question…) Weigh in over at the mudflats facebook – but you can check out the comments here. The comments so far have been relatively calm and not tea-party-ish but I’m sure that Arizona ‘resident’ Sarah Palin will be…

Anchorage At Dusk

Last month, when we were having nicer weather I went wandering around town looking for the perfect sunset in Anchorage. I think that I found a couple of nice ones… but I’m still on the lookout for the right place for the perfect photo. Where in Anchorage do you go for the perfect sunset shot? Leave your comments below, would love to try them out.

Poll: “Alaskans want Sarah Palin to Run,” Alaskans: UM, NO.

Another week, another set of polls concerning the Alaska Senate race. Last week PPP polled Sen. Begich, this week it’s a poll on the Republican primary ticket… and it’s a bit surprising. Sarah Palin wins the Republican Senate nomination. For those outside of Alaska you might be thinking, “duh… of course.” But for those in the state it’s common knowledge that not too many people are a huge fans Palin, who has come to be known as “the quitter” or the “half-term governor.” In fact she’s so disliked here that according to a PPP poll in February she would lose to Hillary…