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February 13, 2025


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Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Photos: Hillary Takes the Stage One More Time In New Hampshire

TheMudflats is in New Hampshire! I’m covering the primaries, so be sure to keep an eye on my twitter feed @zdroberts and keep checking back as I’ll be posting photos like these as often as I can get upload them. Every politico in the planet is in the Live Free of Die state right now so the internet is a bit slow here. Last night Hillary took to the stage in Portsmouth, New Hampshire speaking to a packed house at the Great Bay Community College. It was a mixed crowd of students, locals and over 80 people who bussed up from Arkansas….

Don’t Tread On Grammar: Reader Response

So, a while ago I made this No Pebble flag using art by the inimitable Ray Troll. It’s a riff on the Gadsden flag. Someone didn’t like it too much. I got this in my e-mail.  Which, of course I forwarded to Jeanne. After some grade school corrections from Jeanne, I created this. Remember kids, fund public education.

Voices from the Flats: The Anonymous Bloggers on Palin’s “Fishing Philosophy”

We here at Mudflats have great respect for the writers at the wonderful blog “Anonymous Bloggers,” who live and work in Rural Alaska and other locations outside of “Los Anchorage.” I am especially excited when they pool their experience and write a post on one of the most confusing aspects of Alaska life — fishing rules and regulations. Here, Alaska Pi and Ugavic address Palin’s audacity while visiting New Hampshire in pretending that she had a clue about fishing regs and what was good for Alaska. I encourage you to go to the blog and read the original post and…