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January 25, 2025


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Friday, January 28, 2022

Tea Party X-Mas Gifts

We’ve all got one in our family. A teabagger. Outside of the John Water’s reference that makes me giggle everytime I hear the word, we all know what that means…  Arguments over Obamacare, Obamaphones, Obama birth certificates and other Obama related tragedies. Unfortunately it’s the Holidays, so you’ll need to buy this lovely human being that is somehow related to you a gift. The latest Chomsky book isn’t going to work, and neither is a t-shirt from [wink]. That’s why I’ve complied a list of some sure fire gifts for that angry at the world for making him white in…

Time to Stop Blaming the Victim

  A few decades ago I was in one of my favorite pubs in Seattle. I eventually made my way to the ladies’ room, which had signs posted in the stalls and by the mirrors: “There have been several rapes & attempted rapes this week. Please be careful.” Well, that’s good to know. Travel in packs — it’s safer. Some poor woman may get attacked if she strays too far from the herd. Bam! Raped. Should have kept up, Missy. It’s just Nature. So National Geographic. I’ll admit to some liquid courage, but I walked into the men’s room to…

UPDATE: Zimmerman Not Guilty, Here Are the Responses.

UPDATE: The video below has been circulating on twitter and facebook as African Americans rioting in Miami. IT IS NOT. It’s ironically riots of white people rioting in Vancouver, over the sport hockey. [via The Inquisitor]   People outside the courtroom are chanting, “The system failed us – No Justice No Peace!” MSNBC reported there was silence in the courtroom. The NAACP is calling for Civil Rights charges to be brought against Zimmerman. “A jury in Sanford, Florida has found George Zimmerman not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin. “I know I am not alone in my outrage, anger, and heartbreak…