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February 14, 2025


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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Here’s the Face of the Immigration ‘Problem’

[Editors note: We sent Zach to the border to cover the story of the children immigrants, or as we call them refugees.] I met Umberto in McAllen, Texas. He’s one of the immigrants that Fox News and the right have been claiming are bringing everything from pot to the plague across the southern border. Truthfully, Umberto is one of the coolest kids I’ve ever met – and I didn’t understand a word he said to me. I’m currently working on getting everything translated. From the moment I met him, he was hamming it up for the camera, grabbing my mic…

Open Thread: Bill Nye Schools You on Poverty Myths

You know Bill from your childhood. Bill Nye, The Science Guy he had a excellent TV show a while back that taught kids science. Usually pretty simple stuff, non-controversial science. Well – he’s changed a bit – or maybe we have. Bill Nye, backed by the Gates Foundation is speaking out about poverty and it’s pretty stunning stuff. Check it out, from Bill Gates facebook page.

Time to Stop Blaming the Victim

  A few decades ago I was in one of my favorite pubs in Seattle. I eventually made my way to the ladies’ room, which had signs posted in the stalls and by the mirrors: “There have been several rapes & attempted rapes this week. Please be careful.” Well, that’s good to know. Travel in packs — it’s safer. Some poor woman may get attacked if she strays too far from the herd. Bam! Raped. Should have kept up, Missy. It’s just Nature. So National Geographic. I’ll admit to some liquid courage, but I walked into the men’s room to…

Is Alaskan Agriculture Ready to Feed Our School Children?

by Linda Kellen Biegel Tim Meyers stands at the front of room 306 at the UAA/APU Consortium Library. He’s the next guest presenter for the session: Sustainable Agriculture in Rural Alaska at the Alaska Botanical Garden’s Spring Conference. The title of the Conference is “Extend the Season, Expand Your Mind” in honor of guest gpeaker, former TV gardener and 40-year organic farming rock star, Eliot Coleman. But if Coleman is a national star, Tim Meyers is the hometown hero. Meyers’ cold-weather farming is being studied by the University of Alaska, who have provided him with interns to train in his…