Fact Check of a ‘Fact Check’: Bill Clinton and NAFTA
I know it’s the last two weeks of the Presidential campaign, so truth and facts have a tendency to go by the wayside for political expediency. As a child of the 90’s, one of my earliest political memories was the advent of NAFTA. It was then I decided that I could never go into electoral politics as this was touted as an example of the two political parties working together. Supposedly liberal President Bill Clinton worked with the Republican Party, and passed the agreement that the Republican’s could have never dreamed to actually get passed and signed alone. In response to the…
Here’s the Face of the Immigration ‘Problem’
[Editors note: We sent Zach to the border to cover the story of the children immigrants, or as we call them refugees.] I met Umberto in McAllen, Texas. He’s one of the immigrants that Fox News and the right have been claiming are bringing everything from pot to the plague across the southern border. Truthfully, Umberto is one of the coolest kids I’ve ever met – and I didn’t understand a word he said to me. I’m currently working on getting everything translated. From the moment I met him, he was hamming it up for the camera, grabbing my mic…
TPP 101 in Less than 4 Minutes. Go.
You’ve likely heard about the “TPP” in the news lately. You know it has 3 letters. You may even know that they stand for Trans Pacific Partnership. You may know that it’s considered a bad thing by the left, the right, and everyone in between. You may know it has something to do with trade… aaaand you may have gotten overwhelmed. Or you may be frustrated that other fairly engaged people seem not to know what it’s all about and why it matters. Here’s a great primer that takes less than four minutes, featuring Amy Goodman from Democracy Now interviewing…