Photos: Trump Lands in Kinston, North Carolina
Donald Trump landed his plane in Hurricane Matthew slammed Kinston, North Carolina Wednesday night to a crowd of enthusiastic supporters that numbered in the thousands. It was a smaller audience than i was used to seeing at Trump rallies but still a surprising crowd for a 7pm rally in a town that just a week ago had been evacuated.
Trump gave his stump speech of calling for Secretary Clinton to be jailed but didn’t tell the crowd that the election would be rigged.

Didn’t want to be interviewed, but posed for this photo.

“I stand for the National Anthem.”

This woman was extremely nice, she’s a Trump supporter and 80 years old. No… seriously. She’s 80. I told her she was lying. She took it as a compliment.

A group of high school students yell, pro-Trump chants for cameras.

A favorite line of crowds at

Trump speaking in front of his plane and with a very supportive crowd of thousands.

A VERY enthusiastic Donald Trump supporter poses for a shot at the end of the rally.

Trump fans leave after a long rally at an airplane hangar at the Kinston airport.

All kinds of hats, t-shirts, and even rugs were being sold outside the rally.

When Trump supporters take back a phrase – they OWN it.
Is there a single, delusional deplorable out there that can name 1 (one) single, individual indictable crime HRC has been charged with in the thirty plus years wingnuts have been lying about her? Just one crime is all I am asking for. Let’s see it. Jay walking included. In wingnutosphere Jay walking is an impeachable offense for a Democrat.
You pathetic little pantywaists can’t do it because she has not committed any crimes regardless of the lies you are fed daily. Even with the FBI working overtime to criminalize her, you still got nothing. Losers!
The Mangled Apricot Hellbeast wants to cancel the election and appoint hisself Potus. Be the only way he’d ever be Potus. As it stands he is America’s national sexual predator. The one job he is eminently qualified for.