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March 26, 2025


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Friday, January 28, 2022

Still ‘Je suis Charlie’ Two Years On

[Editors (Zach) note: This was originally posted on Sarah’s facebook page and she thankfully allowed me to share it with you. Sarah is a human rights lawyer based in Paris and London. You can read her piece on Erik Prince’s plan for the refugee crisis in Europe here.]  Those who knew and/or followed me then remember how difficult that day was for me; some have ended friendships over it, some have started one, some have disagreed but respected my grief. I was present on the scene and I have lost friends. I have lost journalists. I have peered across the…

Trump Made SNL Relevant Again

I’ve actually started watching Saturday Night Live again. That’s a statement I didn’t think I’d say ever again. Thanks to the very timely death of the Jon Stewart’s Daily Show and Steven Colbert being bought out to move to his desperately unfunny standard late night show and several lame imitations (Samantha Bee, namely) there is a huge gap for politically orientated comedy shows. Now of course we have John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight which is a blessing – but honestly it’s already come to be a news program that is funny – not a comedy show that talks about politics….

Around the Lens – Episode 28

        This week’s panelists for Around the Lens, episode 28, featured newcomer Michelle McLoughlin and returning panelist Jamie Rose. We discussed Instagram and their changing algorithm, equipment upgrading and the D500. Our eye-catchers this week included a story about the recently killed NPR photographer David Gilkey, dog toys that show wear of being dog toys, the book Afghanistan Between Hope and Fear and a story about Trump and a judge. Watch the video on YouTube. Podcast on iTunes – Podcast Direct Feed – Facebook – Instagram – Twitter – Patreon –

Around the Lens – Episode 23 This week featured Danish photojournalist and documentary filmmaker Thomas Emil Sørensen and returning panelist Mark Schierbecker, first amendment freedom fighter and filmmaker/photojournalist. We discussed Mark’s life post Melissa Click, the death of Prince and stupid things photographers say about gear. Our picks this week included an article about the identity of the Iwo Jima flag raisers, the recent fire in a church in NYC, a bus line for the homeless and article on branding yourself. Watch the show here. Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or YouTube, or via our direct feed, follow us on Twitter and and like us on Facebook. To…

Around the Lens – Episode 18 This week we featured panelists David Bergman and Tess Freeman. We discussed the importance of publishing imagery from the Brussels bombings, the photo rights of a monkey and the best means to take notes while photographing. Our picks this week included new imagery from the Nikon D5 showing the low light capability, amazing underwater imagery, the image deconstructed and free Nik software. Please support the show and sign up for through our referral code. Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or YouTube, or via our direct feed, follow us on Twitter and and like us on Facebook. To see our bonus topic support us…

Around the Lens Podcast 14 – We Enter The Time Machine

This week’s show featured photojournalists Stacy Pearsall and Ben Weller. We spoke about the recent controversial Valentino ad campaign featuring photography by renowned photographer Steve McCurry. During our Gear Talk segment we discussed the new Canon 80D and its new lens which features a power zoom add on. Then we took a theoretical time machine and gave younger selves career advice. Finally, we took a Reddit question about photojournalism and discussed how we overcome visual blocks. Picks of the Week: Stacy promoted a model release app for the iPhone and Nikon action cameras. Ben promoted the pants he likes to wear while…

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska Juneau Empire – Senator plans to investigate Guard situation State Sen. Lesil McGuire says the Legislature will hold hearings into sexual assault and other allegations involving members of the Alaska National Guard, but she’s getting push back from the Senate president. – Alaska land access fights hinge on one word in 34-year-old law The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected two high-profile Alaska cases dealing with federal authority in Alaska, largely because of a six-letter word Congress inserted into a sentence in the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act 34 years ago. In both cases, the court…

News Junkie: An Excerpt

The epic tale of addiction, News Junkie, by friend and occasional contributor to The Mudflats, Jason Leopold, has been reissued. The book looks behind the scenes into the life of one of the best living investigative journalist on the trail, and his double addiction to cocaine, and journalism. News Junkie brings you along for investigations of Enron, Karl Rove and many more. It’s one of my favorite books on journalism, and should be mandatory reading for anyone going into the field. Leopold, who now writes for Vice Magazine, and Al Jazeera on the NSA, Guantanamo, and other issues, has been called a ‘FOIA (Freedom of…

Former ADN Editor Speaks About Sale

This is my edited version of a radio interview of me by Lori Townsend of the Alaska Public Radio Network. The original transcript made for pretty rough reading, so I edited and elaborated on the original transcript. That’s what follows. Even if you heard the original radio report, or read that transcript at APRN or in the Anchorage Press, I think you will find this more detailed and different enough to be worth reading. I hope so. Pat Dougherty Former Editor, Anchorage Daily News (1998-2014) It has been a little more than two weeks since the Alaska Dispatch took ownership of theAnchorage…

Detroit: An American Autopsy – Book Excerpt Part One

Charlie LeDuff is awesome. He’s the ultimate local news man. You may remember his name from a post I did on a hilarious but pointed broadcast on police response time.  A couple of months ago he released Detroit: An American Autopsy – it looks amazing and couldn’t have been better timed. I’ve just started reading it and highly recommend that you do as well. You’ll notice in the excerpt below he even has an Alaska connection.  Look for part two tomorrow, and my review of the book in a couple of weeks. (I’m not that slow of a reader… just…