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February 18, 2025


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Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Still ‘Je suis Charlie’ Two Years On

[Editors (Zach) note: This was originally posted on Sarah’s facebook page and she thankfully allowed me to share it with you. Sarah is a human rights lawyer based in Paris and London. You can read her piece on Erik Prince’s plan for the refugee crisis in Europe here.]  Those who knew and/or followed me then remember how difficult that day was for me; some have ended friendships over it, some have started one, some have disagreed but respected my grief. I was present on the scene and I have lost friends. I have lost journalists. I have peered across the…

Quiet, 26 Years After the Spill

Several years ago Shannyn Moore, Jeanne Devon and I went out to Prince William Sound [read the post from Jeanne Devon] on an assignment from BBC World Service. We were sent for the odd request that could only come from a international news agency like the BBC… gather sound. They didn’t need video, or pictures, just sound. BBC had certainly been there before and had much in their catalogue to make it sound like their reporter was in Alaska – but they were looking for sound from right then. It was July 4th weekend so instead of BBQ and beer the…

He Was a Crook: Nixon Resigned 40 Years Ago

Nixon announced his resignation 40 years ago today and signed this document the next day. It’s sad that the current political scene in DC makes me miss him, but still, even though he would deny it… he was a crook. One just needs to listen to his own words on the White House tapes to prove that. From bombing illegally in Cambodia to Watergate, he was a political monster to the core. With all that said he’s one of the reasons I went into journalism. I keep this document on my computers hard drive to remind myself why I do what…

Homer’s 50th Anniversary

Come celebrate Homer’s 50th Anniversary! Outdoor Barbecue, historical displays, entertaining speakers from Homer’s past will be telling stories about Homer history and legends .. Plus live entertainment and a lot of laughing! This is for everyone, And if you have an interesting tale about Homer’s past, you are also invited come share it! Doors open at 4:00, Barbecue starts around 5, story telling around 6, entertainment around 8 featuring English John and Atz Lee Kiltcher on stage… and a whole bunch more stuff! Elks Lodge, 215 Jenny Way Homer AK 99603 More info on Facebook.

Happy Birthday, Shirley Chisholm!

Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm would be 89 today. Chisholm was the very first African-American woman in the United States Congress. Born November 30th, 1924 in Brooklyn, New York to Caribbean parents, one from British Guiana and another from Cuba, Shirley became not only the first Black Congresswoman but also the first Black Presidential candidate for the Democratic or Republican Party. Congresswoman Chisholm was re-elected six more times, until her retirement in 1983. Unfortunately this awesome states-woman, person, American passed away in 2005. But luckily we have a good amount of video of her. Here’s one of my favorites from the Visionary…

JFK and My Grandmother

For as long as I can remember, there was an oil painting hanging at the top of the stairs at my Grandmothers house. It was of John F. Kennedy walking on the beach. We were an Irish Catholic family, my grandmother the matriarch. We weren’t conservative Christians, in fact my grandmother never liked them – she felt uncomfortable when, in her 80’s, our small local church started to take a turn for the evangelical. The change started when our priest, Father Guckert started to fall ill. He would take a Sunday off, and one of the local up-and-coming priests would…