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March 11, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

2nd Amendment Overreach

Regulations are killing my freedom to blow myself up with a gas container. When I was a kid, gas containers were not much more than red buckets with a spout and a usually missing black cap. Yeah, some gas sloshed out when you carried the can in and out of the boat or off into the woods with the chainsaw, but that was just the way it was. No big problem. These days, I need nuclear codes to get the spout to open enough for a dribble of gas. And the spout has some kind of magic slot that apparently…

Happy Birthday, Shirley Chisholm!

Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm would be 89 today. Chisholm was the very first African-American woman in the United States Congress. Born November 30th, 1924 in Brooklyn, New York to Caribbean parents, one from British Guiana and another from Cuba, Shirley became not only the first Black Congresswoman but also the first Black Presidential candidate for the Democratic or Republican Party. Congresswoman Chisholm was re-elected six more times, until her retirement in 1983. Unfortunately this awesome states-woman, person, American passed away in 2005. But luckily we have a good amount of video of her. Here’s one of my favorites from the Visionary…