Around The Lens Podcast – Photography, News and more
It’s not often that you hear from the people that make the photos and video that go along with the news stories that you read. Photojournalists are a relatively silent group, usually loners (like me) who drop in take their shots and get out to file with their news organization as soon as possible. The few times you even read what we’re thinking come in the form of one or two sentence captions at the bottom of photos. We never get invited on talk shows to get asked how we feel, or what we saw… even though we’re usually the…
Olbermann on the NFL – FIRE EVERYONE
Man, I miss Keith Olbermann. I know I say this often but it’s moments like this, that one really remembers the old days of MSNBC. Keith would go on a uninterrupted 5 minute rant on something that Bush or Cheney did and it would be glorious. We’d all talk about it on MySpace or on ‘the facebook,’ and then there’d be the inevitable online and print backlash from ‘respectable’ journalists who didn’t like his firebrand ways. Well most of those journalists are out of a job now or working for some think tank figuring out a way to drag us into…
5 Stories of Don Young Crazy
The Washington Post got 30mins with Alaska’s lone Congressman, Don Young. As anyone familiar with Young can tell you – it was going to be interesting. The conversation ranged from the time he scolded a “good looking blonde” Congresswoman for sitting in his chair to getting Pres. Bush to get a cigar for him. You can check out the full interview at – it’s worth a watch (just have a bottle of something handy). The interview got me thinking though. What are the most ‘incredible’ (read: ridiculous) stories from Don Young’s never ending political run. He’s said and done…
JFK and My Grandmother
For as long as I can remember, there was an oil painting hanging at the top of the stairs at my Grandmothers house. It was of John F. Kennedy walking on the beach. We were an Irish Catholic family, my grandmother the matriarch. We weren’t conservative Christians, in fact my grandmother never liked them – she felt uncomfortable when, in her 80’s, our small local church started to take a turn for the evangelical. The change started when our priest, Father Guckert started to fall ill. He would take a Sunday off, and one of the local up-and-coming priests would…