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Friday, January 28, 2022

ATL Chats w/ Alaskan Photog Carl Johnson

This week we try something different. This week we’re going to spend out time interviewing just on panelists. This will be the beginning of a new interview series we’re trying out. For the first interview episode we talk to Alaskan nature photographer Carl Johnson. He’s been working on a long term book project Where Water Is Gold about the area would be effected by the creation of the Pebble Mine. A mine that would wipe out a shocking percentage of the worlds pacific salmon. That’s the kind of salmon that you actually want to eat. You can check out Carl’s stunning aurora photos and all his…

Around the Lens Episode 63 – Photojournalists Just Trying To Make It

Panelists: David H. Wells, Jamie Rose News: Nikon Stocks Dives Nikon’s stock dropped 15% in one day, is this a sign of the end times for the camera and lens manufacturer, or just a momentary lapse? Topic: The Uber of Photography Services that can bring you photographer on demand are beginning to take off. More and more services are sprouting that will lower the barrier between you and a customer, but are these services the next generation of photography, or just destroying business opportunities. Gear: Another Year Another World Press Photo The World Press Photo contest was held and again, Canon…

Around the Lens – Kicking the Press Out of the White House?

This week Dave and Zach are joined by photographers  Paul Kelly, Stacie K. Scott. We kick around the new tech from CES, the possibly death of photo app VSCO and the Trump administration discussing moving the White House Press Corps out of the White House. You can subscribe to the Around the Lens podcast on iTunes and on Youtube.

The Conventions Meet Around The Lens Podcast

Hey everyone, check out our super spectacular mega special episode, episode 35, feature the most panelists we’ve ever featured. All panelists were at either both of one of the conventions and will be answering questions and talking about their expriences. Panelists include Seth Herald, Monica Jorge, Brett Carlsen, Gabriella Demczuk, Aaron Cynic, Tash Sorensen, Tyler LaRiviere and Jeffrey Basinger. With host David J. Murphy and co-host Zach D. Roberts. Our picks this week included a story about the Turkey Coup, the crime podcast Sword and Scale, the reality of Spain’s housing crisis, unlimited cloud storage, the program Plotograph Pro, pictures of Bill…

The Hidden Billionaires behind Trump

by Greg Palast with Dennis J Bernstein for Nation of Change Trump desperately needs to get his tiny hands on some cash to fund his presidential campaign. On TV, Trump may play the role of a gazillionaire, but the reality of his reality TV persona is that it’s all paid for with other people’s money. His self-funding pledge is going the way of all Trump’s promises — down the gilded crapper. This week on The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: Election Crimes Bulletin, we focus on where and how Trump is going to get his campaign funds — and the…

Around the Lens – Drones, Steve McCurry and Bullet Proof Vests This week’s panelists are former photojournalist, current host of the PetaPixel Photography Podcast and returning panelist Mike “Sharky” James and newcomer Scott B. Eisen. We talked about the ongoing Steve McCurry controversy, crossing the personal safety line in photojournalism and what a new, budget-priced drone means to our career field. This week’s pick included gaffer tape, a bulletproof vest, a contest to win a camera and a story about photographers having guns. Watch the video here. Support us on Patron for exclusive early access to our bonus topics. Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or YouTube, or via our…

“Who Is Kris Kobach?” Greg Palast with Dennis Bernstein

Week two of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Podcast with Greg Palast and Dennis Bernstein. Bringing you all the news that you need on election protection. This week Palast and Bernstein discuss the man behind Voter ID, SB1070 and the Crosscheck Voter Suppression Program – Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. Listen in.  Dennis Bernstein: Welcome back to our weekly Election Protection Bulletin with best-selling author Greg Palast. Let’s start in Topeka, Kansas with its Secretary of State Kris Kobach. He’s definitely going head to head with the ACLU there. Greg Palast: Kris Kobach is spelled like Koch with a…

Around the Lens – Episode 22 – Federica Armstrong, B.A. Van Sise This week’s show featured panelists Federica Armstrong and . Our topics included discussion of the Pulitzer Prize winners, how technology had changed our work and the pixel stick. Our picks this week included the Ice Light, coverage of the Panama Papers, the recently announced winners of the Visual Information Awards Program and a great photography magazine website. Watch the show here. Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or YouTube, or via our direct feed, follow us on Twitter and and like us on Facebook. To see our bonus topic support us on Patreon.

Around the Lens – Episode 20 This week we had panelists David Burnett and Doug Strickland. We discussed the importance of newspapers, which podcasts we liked and a new way to stabilize your camera. Our picks this week included the announcement of Alexia judging, April’s Fools Day pranks, Cuba and it’s changes and the death of Bob Adelman.  Please support the show and sign up for through our referral code. Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or YouTube, or via our direct feed, follow us on Twitter and and like us on Facebook. To see our bonus topic support us on Patreon.

Around the Lens – Episode 18 This week we featured panelists David Bergman and Tess Freeman. We discussed the importance of publishing imagery from the Brussels bombings, the photo rights of a monkey and the best means to take notes while photographing. Our picks this week included new imagery from the Nikon D5 showing the low light capability, amazing underwater imagery, the image deconstructed and free Nik software. Please support the show and sign up for through our referral code. Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or YouTube, or via our direct feed, follow us on Twitter and and like us on Facebook. To see our bonus topic support us…