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February 15, 2025


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Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread: The Shrimp Whisperer

Indie Alaska, a project of Alaska Public Media has released this amazing short doc on Al Laudert and his shrimp art pieces. It’s just too fun not too watch.

@AKGOP Just Can’t Even.

Oh snap, right wing radio hosts! They were trying to patriot missile public radio, but looks like you got hit by friendly fire! Behold a tweet from the actual Republican Party of Alaska. That’s right, you just done got blowed up by your very own puppet master. Don’t you hate it when that happens? But luckily they have these shorts with special pockets so you can pack some ice in there where they hurt you. Do it quickly so there’s no swelling. Seriously, I’m just looking out for you. “#radio #getarealjob” …says the mature-for-his-age intern entrusted with the social media responsibilities of one of…

Former ADN Editor Speaks About Sale

This is my edited version of a radio interview of me by Lori Townsend of the Alaska Public Radio Network. The original transcript made for pretty rough reading, so I edited and elaborated on the original transcript. That’s what follows. Even if you heard the original radio report, or read that transcript at APRN or in the Anchorage Press, I think you will find this more detailed and different enough to be worth reading. I hope so. Pat Dougherty Former Editor, Anchorage Daily News (1998-2014) It has been a little more than two weeks since the Alaska Dispatch took ownership of theAnchorage…

OT: Shell Games & Hammertime

[This is an open thread.] The backspin on Shell’s latest Alaskan Coastline Enhancement Initiative has already begun, with “we’ll probably mostly skate this time” apparently the central thrust. You should also send a thank-you note to the burglar who broke into your house because, hey—no arson. Thanks, bro. Here now is some context involving Conoco’s Alaska’s US Senator Lisa Murkowski (R). Our friend Heather Aronno over at Alaska Commons produced a July 2011 NPR interview she describes as “Shell making their sales pitch for the offshore drilling that’s going so spectacularly.” “At the time, Senator Murkowski voiced concerns about the…