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Friday, January 28, 2022

“Am I Being Detained?” Visu.News Interviews Jeanne Devon on Sovereign Citizens

This week on the Visu.News podcast I chat with long time friend and colleague Jeanne Devon. She’s the editor and founder of – if you read anything about Sarah Palin back in 2008, it’s likely a story that she wrote and then was picked up by the networks. This week she’s on to talk “sovereign citizens” (the Waffle House shooter likely was one) and the new book she co-wrote with former undercover FBI operative Bill Fulton, who is now a Visu.News regular. That book is, of course, The Blood of Patriots – now available everywhere fine books are sold. As I…

FREE MOVIE: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

For more than a year Greg Palast and I have been working on a new movie. It’s about the potential theft of the election, you know the one that’s happening TOMORROW. Trump has been running around the country telling people that the election is going to be rigged. Well, I’m sorry to say he’s right. Well… half right. They are trying to rig the election – but NOT the Democrats. It’s Trump’s own border wall advisor – Kris Kobach, the Secretary of State of Kansas. He has a list of millions of voters names that he claims are double voters…

Jeanne Devon Interviews Zach Roberts Today

I’ll be filling in Thursday, Friday, and Monday for conservative radio talk show host Eddie Burke (< ---not a typo) on KOAN 1080am and 95.5fm in Anchorage. He's having knee surgery and asked me to man the ship. What's that about? Today, I'll be talking to The Mudflats' own award-winning photo editor and investigative reporter Zach Roberts! He recently went to Ferguson and then New York City in the wake of grand jury decisions in the killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. You'll hear his take on the trip, what he found, and what he didn't expect. And our...

Pay 2 Play – Democracy’s High Stakes

The Utne Reader calls it “a stirring plea to level the playing field in our political system by ending “pay to play”—the quid pro quo of trading political favors for campaign donations. Picking up on the themes of Occupy Wall Street, the film rails against corporate personhood, dark money, and calls for the repeal of Citizens United. Daily Kos says: “I believe that this is a must watch film because it puts everything together in a way that anyone can understand this complex issue and it even puts a strategy on the table to get America to a functioning democracy.” But…

Walking With the Ghosts of Exxon

It’s 5 a.m. on the 4th of July, and the alarm goes off. I open one eye and think surely I must have set it for the wrong time, but then I remember. Today I’m heading to Prince William Sound with Shannyn Moore and Zach Roberts. Our goal is to document the lingering effects of oil, still present in the Sound after the Exxon Valdez ran aground on Bligh Reef in the spring of 1989. It’s 2010, and a child born then would be 21 years old now. It’s hard to believe. I was not in Alaska back then. I,…

Subaru Love, or How I Lived

Tuesday morning on my way to school, I was driving on one of the back road highways that criss-cross Upstate New York. Coming around a slight bend, I saw a car half out into the road I was driving on. I had a decision – slam on my brakes and hope for the best, or swerve around the car blocking the road. I went with the latter. Deciding not to go into the opposite lane behind the car I attempted to go in front of it. there was more space on the side of the road there, and I thought…

Gifts That Support The Mudflats!

Support The Mudflats and spread some holiday cheer with two great gifts! For a fifty dollar donation, I’ll sign a copy of the New York Times best-selling book Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin.  I’ll even personalize it to whomever you like… it makes a great present, AND you support our important work here at the Mudflats. The book was co-authored by former Palin aide Frank Bailey, award-winning novelist Ken Morris, and yours truly. Blind Allegiance continues to provide insight into Alaskan politics of the day, and explains the rise of one of the most controversial and inexplicable politicians of modern times. When…

Religious Groups and Koch Bros. Target Voters

Editor’s Note: The Mudflats team has been reporting on a developing story here in Anchorage (LINK, LINK) .  Zach Roberts, whose journalistic efforts on this topic  have been recognized on a national level has this piece cross-posted at ********************* In audio obtained from a Family Council fundraiser in Anchorage, Alaska, Truthout has learned that a number of right-wing religious groups, including Focus on the Family, have been working with the Koch brothers to target voters across the country using their multimillion-dollar voter database known as Themis. At a fundraiser held at the Anchorage Middle Eastern restaurant Aladdin’s last week,…

Voter ID – It started with 10 Nuns in Indiana

This story is the basis of chapter 29 of Greg Palast’s Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps available now in bookstores and on-line. Or for a donation to TheMudflats of $100 (using the donate button at right) get a signed copy by Greg Palast (and if you like I’ll sign it too…). You’re probably asking why am I publishing a story that’s 4 years old – well, Indiana was the testing ground for Voter ID laws. When Indiana was allowed by the Supreme Court to force people to have voter id in the elections…

Open Thread – NATO in Chicago

The Mudflats’ Zach Roberts is boots on the ground in Chicago for the NATO protests going on. Here are some of his photos.