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Friday, January 28, 2022

Top 13 Albums of 2013

Originally for Sisipillé         A multitude of LPs (long plays) and EPs (extended plays) have been released this year in a variety of genres. Popular trends in music have been electronic modern day beats with retro undertones and influences. In no specific order I have amassed the top thirteen albums of 2013. 1) Kurt Vile – “Walkin’ On A Pretty Daze”      “Walkin’ On A Pretty Daze” is a testament Kurt Vile’s songwriting abilities and overall genius music skills. Though lengthy for a single LP, Vile captures the listener’s ear from beginning to end. The backing musicians give what is…

Open Thread: Palin, Alaskans Have Something to Say

Palin, during her semi-annual book selling tour has been hitting the airwaves saying stupid things. Alaskans understand at this point that this is part of the deal. She comes out with a book, or she needs money for her PAC she hits the TV and says ‘controversial things’ – raises Tea Party cash and then heads back to her desert villa. I’ve been thinking of a response to her ridiculous comments on the ‘liberal‘ Pope when I happened across the Alaskan band Portugal. The Man. While their song is non-political… I couldn’t happen to add my own meaning to their…