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February 16, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Beaten and Arrested Occupier Facing 7 Years

Occupier Cecily McMillan who was found guilty of striking a NYC Police Officer is looking at 7 years in jail. Many of the jurors have signed onto a plea to the judge for her to just receive community service – claiming that they had no idea that their sentence of guilty on felony assault charges would mean such a lengthy sentence. The jurors criminal ignorance aside – many of her fellow Occupiers, lawyers and citizens have called for leniency from the judge. Sentencing for Cecily will be held Monday the 19th.

Occupying Two Years – The Crest of a High and Beautiful Wave

“It seems like a lifetime, or at least a Main Era — the kind of peak that never comes again…” – Hunter S Thompson It may, or may not, but damn – it was a great ride. Two years ago this month I was standing by the bull – that famous one by Wall Street. It was surrounded by metal police barricades – something that would become the norm during the life of Occupy. Those barricades became a defining characteristic of the protest – keeping marchers on a defined route, keeping them out of Zuccotti Park, keeping the press contained…

Corporate Giant vs. Retirees in West Virginia

Today is May Day – in honor of International Workers Day we’re publishing James Fassinger’s, moving photo-essay about a group of retirees in West Virginia fighting a corporate giant for benefits promised to them. They’re doing it Occupy style.  James has sent us this story to get the word out about this struggle. He’s an internationally published photographer – with the Guardian, The New York Times and the Times of London.  This is the first in a monthly series that will be posting featuring the very best in photo-journalism. Please share this story widely.    Nearly one year ago,…

Mudflats ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Coverage and yours truly have been singled out for honor by the prestigious magazine The Atlantic this week. Was it for our amazing investigative reporting? For the awesome photo spreads we do? In depth coverage of the proposed Pebble Mine? Unfortunately, no. It’s because I nearly got my head beat in at Occupy Wall Street. I’ve written about 15,000 words, and taken about a terabyte of photos at OWS over the past year – witnessed the worst and best of America, broke news stories, got shots that no one else did – and yet this is what we get singled…

Open Thread – Occupy from Bellingham to the Bering Sea!

Hooray for the hale and hardy Occupiers in Unalaska who set out to occupy the Bering Sea!  We note with a smile the awesome yellow boots on the ground. And this great shot came from Mudflatter Tele, an Alaskan out of state, currently occupying  Bellingham, Washington. Definitely take a minute to check out her awesome blog Hooked, about her life as a “tree hugging, yoga posing, vegetarian feminist in Alaska’s commercial fisheries.”  It’s a treat!  You can read it HERE. We’ll have more great shots from Occupy Fairbanks and Occupy Anchorage tomorrow! [Send your occupation photos to akmuckraker(at)yahoo(dot)com]

Open Thread – Occupy the Tundra

Thanks to Mudflatter Alex (an adopted Alaskan) for passing on this great pic via Twitter @coldfootfilms. OK, rural or solitary readers… time to send me your “Occupy” pics for future threads! Email me at akmuckraker(at)