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Friday, January 28, 2022

Mission Accomplished: War on Energy Over

Not since Moses, Aaron and Miriam fought the Egyptians for freedom of the Israelites have we found such a beautiful redemption story. Yes, the emancipation of slaves after a bloody civil war came close, but this is so much more inspiring. Our prayers and vigils for the gravely oppressed oil companies in Alaska have at last been answered. I guess tying all those black ribbons in the old spruce trees really helped. Like Moses coming down from Mount Sinai, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke came to Alaska and is going to make this state great for oil companies again….

EPA, Pebble and The West Wing

I’m sorry to report that watching box sets of “The West Wing” isn’t enough distraction from our real politics. I am tired. I can confirm a fresh batch of baby sea otters, riding on their mama’s bellies, blown in by the latest storm can provide some relief. Their cuteness is enough to make anyone ovulate – I don’t care who you are. Their squeaks and mewing are impossible to ignore. I learned about something called “embryonic diapause.” It’s really fascinating and a little science-y. See, lady sea otters can get pregnant and put a pause on implanting the embryos for…

Debates on Prop 4: Bristol Bay Forever

Debates on Prop 4: Bristol Bay Forever, are taking place across the state in preparation for the election on November 4th. Now is your chance to learn more and show your support for Bristol Bay. If you are unable to attend in person, call in with questions and statements of support. You can listen in live at, call in toll-free to testify at (855) 463-5009, or submit comments by email to We hope to see you there! Thursday, Sept. 18 — Ketchikan Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly Chambers, Whitecliff Building 1900 1st Avenue, Suite 144 4-6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 22 — Kodiak Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Chambers 710 Mill Bay…

Zephyr Teachout – The Anti-Fracking Candidate in New York

A while back, I had the opportunity to interview Democratic primary candidate for Governor of New York, Zephyr Teachout. She’s running against incumbent Governor Andrew Cuomo. Teachout has stood out as a progressive voice against Cuomo’s too-business-friendly, anti-environmental take on Democratic politics. She’s strongly anti-fracking, while Governor Cuomo supports test sites, and claims that the science isn’t in on the controversial method of resource extraction. Cuomo unfortunately refuses to debate her – even though she’s polling well enough to warrant recognition. In fact, he went so far as to ignore her at NYC’s Labor Day Parade. [watch the awkwardness here]…

Zoomed-In Climate Models Help Alaska Communities Plan for Uncertain Future

  Special thanks to for letting us post this excerpt by Amy Nordrum Hunters in the Alaskan village of Wainwright, a community of about 550 Inupiat Eskimos at the lip of the Chukchi Sea, have long harvested bowhead whales from the ocean. Each spring, crews of 15-25 hunters set out in umiaqs—boats made from seal skins and caribou sinew. The hunters usually launch from Point Belcher, where the ice cracks open to expose the water in slivers called “leads.” Then the whalers follow these narrow channels to the sea. They may land whales as long as 55 feet, but a young…

The Weekend Off – The News You Missed

Alaska KNOM – Lacking Sea Ice, Seal Pups Populate Local Beaches Baby seals are appearing on local beaches in greater numbers this year, with over 20 reported sightings in Nome, and a few others recorded in Wales, Teller and Shaktoolik. Anchorage Daily News – Oddball rivers flow north through Alaska Range. Why? Alaska’s landscape has an unusual feature that allows us to enjoy cheap bananas in the Interior and other things that make life possible in the subarctic. The Nenana River, born on the south side of the Alaska Range, makes a U-turn and flows north through the mountains. With it…

KXL Pipeline Fight Setback – From Steve Horn

US Court Denies Halt on Pipeline Set to Replace Keystone XL Northern Half (via Desmogblog) The ever-wise Yogi Berra once quipped “It’s like déjà vu all over again,” a truism applicable to a recent huge decision handed down by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.  A story covered only by McClatchy News’ Michael…

XL Pipeline Profits More Important Than Environment – by Steve Horn for Desmosblog

US Court: Transcanada’s Keystone XL Profits More Important than Environment (via Desmogblog) In a major ruling that’s flown under the radar, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit – based in Denver, Colorado – decided not to grant the Sierra Club and Clean Energy Future Oklahoma a temporary injunction on the construction of the southern…

Alaskan Politicos Weigh In On Climate Change

In an article today in the Anchorage Daily News written by Lisa Demer our outstanding representatives were reached for comment on several different questions pertaining to climate change. While none of them out right denied what 95% of scientists now agree on – that climate change is caused by man… they’re answers danced around the truth. Mike Chenault’s was my favorite. When asked by the ADN.  “Do you believe there is a human-caused element to climate change? House Speaker Mike Chenault slyly answered:  “I think that there is. To what extent there is, is the argument, I believe.” Ok, Mike….

Wild Tigers For Sale

You may remember in Ohio, in October 2011 dozens of wild animals escaped (or were released) from a private zoo. Local police had to go on a suburban game hunt – killing among others 18 Bengal Tigers. Stories like that may become more and more frequent – as a petition from the World Wildlife Foundation warns. The WWF says that currently there are more tigers in private ownership – as in pets – than there are in the wild. “One of the world’s largest populations of tigers exists not in the wild—but in captivity in the United States. With an…