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March 13, 2025


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Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

A Final Bon Voyage from Cordova…

It’s been a day of farewells.  Kiss-offs and parties, reflections and celebrations… Palin fatigue yet?  Don’t worry.  This is our final send-off to the governor…  er…  ex-governor.  Where will she land?  We’re not sure.  There’s a rumor circulating that she and Todd have been looking at real estate in the Hamptons.  I heard about this several weeks ago and laughed it off.  But, apparently the rumor persists.  I am somewhat familiar with that area of Long Island, and may I say that if the rumor is true, and the Palin’s join the Hamptons crowd in a multi-million dollar beachfront home,…

The Big Kodiak Kiss Off.

It’s hard to believe it’s been 48 hours since Alaska became Palin-free. The parties, the polls, the articles, the late night talk shows… We’re all still getting it out of our systems. There are a lot of other things going on in the state and the wider world, but we still need to have our own ways of releasing… of letting her go… of detoxifying our systems. Mudflatter MM in Kodiak threw a “Just Desserts” party to bid a sweet farewell to Sarah Palin, whose gubernatorial performance assessment was immortalized in frosting.  Wackiness ensues. Signage outside marked the event location. A lipsticked pitbull,…