Exclusive from Greg Palast -The Debates: What the hell happened?
Posted by Zach Roberts on October 4, 2012 · 12 Comments
Exclusive to TheMudflats.net from Greg Palast, author of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps please listen to my discussion with Shannyn Moore on her radio show from last night. What the hell happened? Did Barack have a fight with Michelle? Was it nicotine withdrawal? Do really rich guys just scare you, Mr. Obama? Dear Mr. President: As a journalist I don’t take partisan sides, but I do take America’s side. And as Commander-in-Chief, you simply cannot fall asleep in the saddle. I mean Commander-in-Chief in the Class War. The war of the billionaires against the rest…
Category Barack Obama, Economy, Election 2012, Elections, Headlines, Mitt Romney, Nation · Tags Barack Obama debate, Greg Palast, Mitt Romney ddebate, Presidential debate