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Friday, January 28, 2022

The Conoco Coup

Pick. Click. Giveaway. We’ve all heard the ads, “ConocoPhillips: Alaska’s Oil And Gas Company.” They should change that to “Alaska: An Oil Colony of ConocoPhillips, BP and Exxon.” Fifty-five years ago Alaskans voted for statehood. We were tired of Outside corporations dominating our fisheries at the expense of Alaskans. It looks like we need to wage that fight once again as large Outside companies – this time oil companies – have taken over our government in a nonviolent, post Citizens United coup. Former ConocoPhillips lobbyist Sean Parnell runs our executive branch. He’s the guy who also worked for the law…

GOP Responds to LOLing at Civil Unions

  [A similar story is cross-posted at The Huffington Post HERE] Well, that didn’t take long. Apparently, the House Majority Caucus got an earful, and learned that laughing out loud at the mere thought of Alaskans having legal recognition of same-sex partnerships was inappropriate. That’s what happened Friday during a press availability in Juneau.   Late this morning, a statement was released to the press by Majority Leader Lance Pruitt (R-Anchorage) and Speaker of the House Mike Chenault (R-Nikiski). Caucus leaders were asked for their position on providing legal recognition for same-sex partnerships, a position which 70% of Alaskans favor….

Same-sex Civil Unions? Republicans LOL.

[A similar story is posted at The Huffington Post HERE]   Oh, it was a rollicking good time at the House Majority press conference this week. Mark Miller of the Juneau Empire pointed out that only 30% of Alaskans were opposed to legally recognizing same-sex partnerships in some way. That means 70% of the population in our great state thinks that gay people should have the right to a legal union. That’s what they call, in statistical terms, “a ginormous majority.” In light of these overwhelming results, Miller asked the Republican House caucus if they would support legally recognized civil…