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February 15, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Three Days at Sea That Have Nothing to Do With Politics – Day Three (Updated with VIDEO)

7:43am – This morning’s “alarm clock” was a rapid series of loud bangings right over my head. The motor was already humming and we were making our way back in the direction of Whittier. I wasn’t sure if the banging sounds were intended for me, but then they came again, like someone urgently knocking on a door. My heart in my throat once again, I was up and out of my sleeping bag, and sliding the hatch open, expecting… I had no idea what. It turns out that this unexpected wake up call was far better than the threat of…

Three Days at Sea That Have Nothing to Do With Politics – Day One.

By Jeanne Devon I just got back from a few days out on the water.  Upon my return, I was faced with two choices – 1) Spend a couple days catching up and writing about politics 2) Take you along with me on the boat trip and write about something that has nothing to do with politics.  I opted for the latter. If you are looking for a scathing post about Sarah Palin, or why Sean Parnell is even worse, or a long reverie about what flavor pie* I’d like to throw at Mayor Dan Sullivan, you’ll have to come…