Return of Bird of the Week: Social Flycatcher
Posted by Wickershams Conscience on December 1, 2018 · Leave a Comment
There are a truly bewildering number of species of flycatchers. There are more than 400 species of Tyrant Flycatchers alone, and Tyrant Flycatchers are just one of the five New World families of flycatchers. Think of it: 400 consecutive weeks of Tyrannidae. WC won’t do that, but we’ll have a look at some of the New World’s bug-eating birds. And we’ll start with a few of the confusing largish yellow, black and white flycatchers. The thing about many species of Tyrant Flycatchers is that they are closely similar. The scientific name of the Social Flycatcher is Myiozetetes similis, and “similis” is…
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